April 04, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee: Jeff Sessions Has No Regard for Civil Rights

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the follow by statement regarding Attorney General Jeff Sessions decision to review Obama era police reforms:

"Yesterday, the Department of Justice proved what we have known all along: Attorney General Jeff Sessions has no regard for civil and human rights. The decision to target police reforms that have been negotiated with police departments with a documented history of civil rights violations is reprehensible. Let me be clear, this review marks the first step in the Trump Administration’s misguided “law and order” agenda that will blunt the progress we made on police reform under President Obama's leadership.

“We simply cannot afford to turn back the clock on reforms that prevent innocent black women and men from being gunned down in the streets. The time to resist is now. As a Member of the Appropriations Committee, I will fight to block funding for any effort to thwart the urgent need for police reform.”
