September 19, 2019

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Stands With Students to Support Teaching Climate Change in Schools

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee stood with dozens of youth activists on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. to call on Congress to support teaching climate change in schools.  Congresswoman Lee plans to introduce a House Resolution that supports the teaching of climate change in the coming days.

“I am introducing this resolution to urge more climate change education in American schools.,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee. “We need to teach every young person the human impacts of climate change and how to combat the climate crisis before it is too late.” 

Rep. Lee’s House Resolution declares climate change a social justice, racial justice, and human rights issue that disproportionately affects students of color and students in poverty, thereby worsening existing inequalities and limiting equality of opportunity. It also refers to a 2019 resolution by the California Association of School Psychologists that declared climate change a potential threat to the psychological and social development of children.  

“By failing to address climate change in a meaningful way, we are failing our children – and they know it,” said Rep. Lee. “More than half of young adults in the U.S. are worried about climate change and are taking action by leading protests or walkouts to urge their elected leaders to act. To effectively act upon our changing climate, young people need education on its causes, consequences, and possible solutions.” 

The resolution has been endorsed by: American Federation of Teachers, Global Oneness Project, National Association of Geoscience Teachers, Mom’s Clean Air Force, National Children’s Campaign, National Center for Science Education Principles for Responsibility Investment, Paleontological Research Institution, Rethinking Schools Students for Climate Action, Sierra Club, Teacher’s Advocacy Committee. 

You can watch Congresswoman Lee’s floor speech here.  
