March 09, 2023

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Statement on President Biden’s FY24 Budget Request

Washington, DC – Rep. Barbara Lee issued the below statement on President Biden’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 budget request submitted to Congress on Thursday, March 9, 2023.

“In the first half of his presidency, President Biden delivered for the American people—and the bold budget framework he put forth today will continue building upon that progress.

“This is a budget that builds on the economic gains of the last two years, lowering costs and investing in America while reducing the federal deficit by nearly $3 trillion over ten years.

“This is a budget that takes on special interests like Big Pharma to lower costs for everyday Americans, continuing the progress House Democrats have already made to bring down the cost of health care, prescription drugs, and clean energy. 

“This budget does not just build on previous legislative successes, but lays out a roadmap for the work left ahead. With over $2 trillion for programs such as child care, Pre-K, community college, Medicaid and more, the President is showing his commitment to progressive priorities. Furthermore, these social programs and essential health initiatives like PrEP will be paid for by ensuring the wealthy and well-connected pay their fair share in taxes. A system where a schoolteacher pays more in taxes than a billionaire demands reform.

“I am disappointed, however, that this budget continues the regressive trend of increasing our bloated, wasteful defense budget year after year with little oversight. I am also dismayed by the insufficient funding levels for critical priorities such as racial equity, funding community violence intervention and prevention, protecting voting rights, and fighting back against the attacks on reproductive justice.  

“As we begin budget negotiations, I urge my colleagues to put people over politics—especially as extreme MAGA Republicans continue to waste time on hateful political stunts, attempts to cut crucial programs, and undermining our democracy. I thank President Biden and OMB Director Shalanda Young for their work, and look forward to advancing a budget that reflects equity and justice for all.”


Congresswoman Lee is a member of the House Appropriations Committee and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations. She serves as Co-Chair of the Steering & Policy Committee, former Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, Chair Emeritus of the Progressive Caucus, Co-Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus Health Task Force, and Co-Chair of the Pro-Choice Caucus. She also serves as Chair of the Task Force on Poverty and Opportunity. As a member of the Steering and Policy Committee, she is the highest ranking Black woman appointed to House Leadership.