September 23, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Supports Benjamin Franklin True Patriot Act

Bill Would Repeal Sections of President Bush’s Patriot Act

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee issued a statement today on the Benjamin Franklin True Patriot Act, which would repeal many of the egregious and invasive civil liberty violations of President Bush’s Patriot Act. The bill includes provisions to eliminate the Patriot Act’s arbitrary search-and-seizure provision, unwarranted incarcerations, and the possibility of federal officials searching students’ educational records without probable cause.

Lee said, “We must correct this injustice. The Patriot Act was passed in a blind rush, and in that rush to judgment Congress trampled some important civil liberties. Justice is supposed to be blind, but lawmakers shouldn’t be. All legislators should have foreseen the consequences of our actions.

Some of us did, and that’s why we voted against the Patriot Act. The Benjamin Franklin True Patriot Act seeks to repeal the unconstitutional provisions of the Patriot Act and to protect the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments. This bill would eliminate the Patriot Act’s sneak-and-peek searches that undermine our fundamental understanding of citizens’ right to privacy. It will also repeal other deplorable provisions violating attorney-client confidentiality and other basic principles of justice and government.

I am proud to be a cosponsor of this bill, and I will continue to oppose the Bush Administration’s efforts to steal away our civil liberties through Patriot II and the Victory Act. We must not sacrifice our fundamental freedoms in the Age of Ashcroft.”
