February 28, 2014

Congresswoman Lee on U.S. Relations with Uganda in Light of Discriminatory LGBT Law

February 28, 2014
Contact: Carrie Adams (202) 225-2661

Washington, D.C.— Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement regarding the future of US relations with Uganda in light of discriminatory, anti-LGBT legislation signed into Ugandan law this week:

“I am extremely concerned by the enactment of the Anti-Homosexuality legislation in Uganda. This law is deeply cruel and goes against evidence-based science. As a founding Member and Vice Chair of the United States’ Congress LGBT Equality Caucus and the Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus, I have stood in strong opposition to this proposal since 2009, and will continue to do so.

“As the United States begins a review of our relationship with the government of Uganda in light of this recent development, I will be carefully considering new policies to ensure that our foreign assistance efforts bolster human rights around the world.  While we must recognize the sovereignty of all nations, we must also ensure that international human rights standards are upheld everywhere, including the right to health.

“Moving forward, through the United Nations and Global Commission on HIV and the Law, I will be working to encourage countries to repeal discriminatory laws, discourage others from adopting similar legislation to the Ugandan law, and support human rights based policies that support, not persecute, marginalized populations.”


Follow Barbara Lee on Facebook and Twitter at @RepBarbaraLee. To learn more, visit lee.house.gov.

Congresswoman Barbara Lee is a former Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) and currently serves as CPC Whip and Chair of the Task Force on Global Peace and Security. Congresswoman Lee is a founding member of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus. She is proud to stand with the caucus and ensure that every American is treated equally under the law, no matter their race, sex, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity.