October 03, 2017

Congresswoman Lee Slams Trump Administration Decision to Kick Out Cuban Diplomats

Washington, D.C.Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement regarding the announcement that staff at the Cuban Embassy in Washington would be reduced by sixty percent:

“Let me be clear: The Trump Administration is using the tragic and unexplained ‘sonic attacks’ on Americans to advance its goal of reversing historic progress between the United States and Cuba.  

“Kicking out Cuban diplomats will not ensure the safety of Americans – it will only drag us backwards and jeopardize the restoration of ties between our two countries.

“Isolationism and disengagement has failed time and time again. Therefore, even as the Trump Administration clings to the tactics of the past, Members of Congress will continue to work to pursue diplomacy, expand trade, and strengthen ties between our peoples.

“The American people and our foreign service personnel deserve answers on the attacks that took place and their safety must remain our top priority. I am deeply concerned that the Trump Administration’s actions just serve to make the investigation more difficult for us to learn what happened and to prevent these attacks in the future.”
