October 06, 2018

Pro-Choice Caucus Leaders Condemn Confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court

Washington, DC –  Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus Co-Chairs Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Diana DeGette (D-CO) released the following statement on the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh:

“This Senate confirmation makes a sham of our judicial heritage. Despite multiple credible allegations of sexual misconduct against Judge Kavanaugh, his complete lack of judicial temperament, and his concerning record on women’s reproductive rights, Senate Republicans have pushed this nomination through and approved a wholly unfit justice for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. The Trump Administration subverted our democracy by limiting the scope of the FBI investigation, keeping the U.S. Senate and the American people from knowing the truth about Judge Kavanaugh.

“Americans for generations to come will suffer because of this confirmation.

“The last month has been painful for survivors of sexual assault. And today’s confirmation sends a chilling message: Politics comes before justice in the U.S. Senate.

“Our hearts are with Christine Blasey Ford and all survivors today, and we will be forever grateful for Dr. Ford’s courage in coming forward to testify before the Senate and the world with such dignity.”
