Press Releases

June 13, 2004

U.S. House of Representatives Passes Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s Orphans and Vulnerable Children Act

Washington, DC - The House of Representatives today passed H.R. 4061, the Assistance for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Developing Countries Act of 2004. The bill, introduced by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), a recognized Congressional leader on domestic and international HIV and AIDS issues, seeks to provide a comprehensive United States response to the continuing global problem of orphaned and vulnerable children, exacerbated in the last decade by the growing global AIDS pandemic. … Continue Reading

June 02, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Applauds Resignation of CIA Director George Tenet

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) today welcomed the resignation of Central Intelligence Authority (CIA) Director George Tenet. Tenet has been under fire most recently for reports that the former President of the Iraqi National Congress, Ahmad Chalabi, had been given CIA national security secrets, which he then allegedly passed on to the Iranian government. More broadly, though, Tenet has taken the blame for a series of catastrophic intelligence failures, including 9/11 and … Continue Reading

June 02, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Appalled by Actions of Enron Employees

Tapes Show that Enron Manipulated California Energy MarketWashington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) today attacked the actions of Enron Corporation employees for discussing the manipulation of the California power market during the Western energy crisis in 2000-2001. In tapes of telephone conversations released yesterday, Enron traders openly joked about stealing money from California consumers. A class action lawsuit is currently pending before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Some … Continue Reading

June 02, 2004

Press Release from Congresswoman Barbara Lee

Washington, D.C.— La Congresista Lee hizo la siguiente declaración en torno a el estudio publicado por la Asociación Nacional de Oficiales Elegidos y Nombrados (NALEO por sus siglas en Ingles):“Según los analistas políticos y un informe recientemente anunciado por la Asociación Nacional de Funcionarios Electos Latinos (NALEO pos su siglas en ingles), se espera que casi siete millones de Latinos voten en las elecciones presidenciales. Estas proyecciones también revelan que los Latinos tendrán … Continue Reading

June 01, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Calls on Khartoum Government to Halt Support of Violence in Darfur and Northern Uganda

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), member of the Congressional Human Rights Coalition, issued the following statement today: “I stand in solidarity with the Darfur Union and the people struggling for survival in Darfur. The Khartoum government has not been an honest broker in the ongoing peace talks, as is evident in the genocide occurring in Darfur and their continued support of violence in Northern Uganda.”“The United States, the European Union, African Union, and others in … Continue Reading

May 23, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduces Bill to Reform Iraqi Prisons

Bill Calls for International Commission to Monitor U.S.-Held PrisonsWashington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) has introduced H.R. 4448, which would create an international commission to ensure compliance with the Geneva Convention in U.S.-held prisons in Iraq. According to Lee’s bill, this commission should include representatives from the Red Cross, the Red Crescent, the Iraqi transitional government, Iraqi civil society, the United Nations, and U.S. and Coalition armed forces. “The … Continue Reading

May 20, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduces Bill Calling for India to be Added to U.S. Global AIDS Focus List

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) late last night introduced a bill intended to emphasize the importance of assisting India in its fight against AIDS by adding it as the 15th country under the authority of the Global AIDS Coordinator. H.R. 4449 would give Ambassador Randall Tobias the mandate to move more aggressively with U.S. assistance to combat the growing AIDS epidemic in India. The bill is co-sponsored by Congressman Frank Pallone (D-NJ).As the world’s largest democracy … Continue Reading

May 20, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Congressional Black Caucus Members Send Letter to President Bush Criticizing Administration’s New Cuba Policy

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and nine other Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Members late last night sent a letter to President Bush criticizing his endorsement of the Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba report. During yesterday’s Cuban Independence Day festivities, President Bush hailed the report’s findings, which would strengthen the travel embargo and have harsh effects on African Americans and Afro-Cubans.Lee and the CBC members wrote, “Although we have … Continue Reading

May 19, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Rails at HUD Secretary’s Statement that Being Poor Is “State of Mind”

Comment Comes During Hearing with Housing CommitteeWashington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) today condemned Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Alfonso Jackson’s statement, “I do not believe being poor is a condition. I believe it is a state of mind.” Secretary Jackson, who was recently named by the Bush Administration as HUD Secretary, was making his first appearance before the Subcommittee on Housing, which has oversight of HUD.Joined by other Members on the Housing … Continue Reading

May 18, 2004

Republicans Reject Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s Efforts to Reform Iraqi Prisons and Protect Democracies

Lee Amendments Would Have Created International Monitoring Commission to Ensure Compliance with Geneva ConventionWashington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) this morning learned that the Republican-controlled House Rules Committee refused to allow her amendments on Iraqi prison reform to the Defense Authorization Act, H.R. 4200. H.R. 4200 includes the $25 billion that the Bush Administration hastily included to continue the war in Iraq.One of Lee’s amendments called for an international … Continue Reading

May 18, 2004

Progressive Caucus Protests Rejection of Iraq-Related Amendments by House Republicans

Not One Progressive Caucus Member’s Amendment Included in Floor Debate Washington, DC - Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) decried the House Republicans’ unwillingness to accept any Progressive Caucus Members’ amendments for the debate on H.R. 4200, the Defense Authorization Act. H.R. 4200 includes the $25 billion that the Bush Administration recently requested to continue the war in Iraq. “This bill includes … Continue Reading

May 17, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Awaits Fate of Three Amendments to Defense Authorization Act, Which Includes New $25 Billion Appropriations for Iraq

Amendments Call for Comprehensive Iraqi Prison Reform, Prisoner Database, and Prohibition on DoD Spending to Overthrow Democratically-Elected Governments Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) testified today before the House Rules Committee in an attempt to have added to the Defense Authorization Act, H.R. 4200, amendments calling for an international commission on the oversight of U.S. prisons in Iraq; the creation of an Iraqi prisoner database; and a prohibition on U.S. spending … Continue Reading

May 16, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Announces Artistic Discovery Winners

Winner’s Photograph Will Hang in U.S. Capitol for Next YearWashington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) announced that College Preparatory School Senior Dan Ackerman-Greenberg was the winner of yesterday’s 23rd annual Congressional High School Art Competition, Artistic Discovery. Yesterday’s event took place at The African American Museum and Library of Oakland.By winning first place, Ackerman-Greenberg will have his photograph, “Hug,” hung in the U.S. Capitol where it will join other … Continue Reading

May 16, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Brown vs. Board of Education

Washington, DC - On the 50th anniversary of the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education decision, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) today issued the following statement: “Today, we are marking the 50th anniversary of Brown vs. Board of Education, an enormously important day in the lives of African Americans and in the history of this country. Almost without question, Brown is the most important Supreme Court case of the twentieth century. With Brown, the Court threw out decades of doctrine and … Continue Reading

May 13, 2004

La Congresista Lee Dice: Los Demócratas Luchan Para Aumentar La Cobertura de Pensiones Para Los Hispanos

Oakland, CA - La congresista Lee hizo las siguientes declaraciones hoy acerca de los latinos:“Mientras el Congreso se acerca al receso de agosto, los demócratas estamos trabajando para darle oportunidades económicas para todos los estadounidenses. No es un secreto que los latinos ha sido afectado más negativamente que otros grupos por esta recesión de Bush, y que esta va a ser la comunidad que le va a tomar más tiempo salir de esta recesión.”“Un asunto importante que fue dejado fuera del … Continue Reading

May 12, 2004

MEDIA ADVISORY 23rd Annual Congressional High School Art Competition to be Held Sunday

Oakland, CA - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) will be on hand Sunday for the exhibit opening and award presentation of An Artistic Discovery, the 23rd Annual Congressional High School Art Competition. 32 high school students from throughout California’s 9th Congressional District are participating in this year’s contest, and the winner will go to Washington in June for an awards ceremony with Artistic Discovery winners from around the country. The finalist’s piece will hang in the Capitol … Continue Reading

May 11, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Congressional Democrats File Amicus Brief in Support of California Consumers

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and California Democratic leaders in the United States Congress and Sacramento announced today that they have jointly filed an amicus brief before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit regarding the inflated prices California citizens and businesses were forced to pay during the 2000-2001 electricity crisis.In a remarkable show of unity and support, the brief was signed by California’s United States Senators, all 33 House … Continue Reading

May 05, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Pushes House Leadership for Vote on Orphans and Vulnerable Children Bill

Bill Expected to Be Introduced in Senate Next WeekWashington, DC - At a press conference this morning organized by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), Lee said that she and the 83 co-sponsors of H.R. 4061, The Assistance for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Developing Countries Act of 2004, would push the House leadership for a quick vote on this comprehensive United States response to the continuing global problem of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVC). As of 2001, 110 million children … Continue Reading

May 05, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Votes Against Weak Iraqi Prisoners Resolution Because It Fails to Address Real Problems of Abuse in Iraq

Lee Calls for Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to Resign Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) today opposed H.Res. 627, the weak Republican resolution on the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers. "This resolution offered by Congressional Republicans condemns abuse but presents glaring and unacceptable omissions," said Lee. "The boilerplate language of this resolution offers no real apology. It does nothing to ease the enormous international tension that has … Continue Reading

May 04, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Has Three Amendments Accepted in Zero-Down Payment Initiative

Bill Passes House Committee UnanimouslyWashington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) today fundamentally improved the Bush Administration’s new Zero-Down Payment Initiative, H.R. 3775, by having three amendments accepted by the House Financial Services’ Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity. Gaining the backing of Subcommittee Chairman Bob Ney (R-OH), Lee had amendments accepted, including requiring the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to report annually on the … Continue Reading

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