Press Releases

July 14, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s Statement on the Passage of the National Defense Authorization Act

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Lee released the following statement following the passage of the FY18 National Defense Authorization Act: "The National Defense Authorization Act should be a roadmap for reigning in Pentagon waste and responsibly drawing down our endless wars overseas. Instead, Congressional Republicans have chosen to bankroll bloated Pentagon spending and funnel billions into the Overseas Contingency Operations slush fund, while refusing to address our fundamental obligation … Continue Reading

July 12, 2017

Rep. Lee Statement on Meeting with Speaker Ryan to Discuss Repeal of 2001 AUMF

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Lee released the following statement on her meeting with Speaker Ryan to discuss the repeal of the 2001 AUMF. Her amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill would repeal the 2001 AUMF within eight months of enactment, allowing Congress ample time to debate and vote on any replacement AUMF: "Earlier today, I met with Speaker Ryan to discuss my amendment to repeal the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) in the Defense Appropriations … Continue Reading

June 29, 2017

Congresswoman Lee Statement on Passage of Diversity and Inclusion Amendment

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee's amendment to address unconscious bias in hiring and managing Congressional staff passed the Appropriations Committee. This amendment directs the Chief Administrative Officer to issue a report addressing the ways in which Members and staff with hiring and management responsibilities can be given the tools to combat unconscious bias. "The staff who work in the halls of Congress should reflect the diversity of America - in every respect. … Continue Reading

June 29, 2017

Congresswoman Lee Statement on Passage of AUMF Amendment

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee's amendment to repeal the 2001 AUMF passed the Appropriations Committee in a bipartisan vote. This amendment would repeal the 2001 AUMF 240 days after enactment of the DOD Appropriations bill. "At long last, I am pleased that my Democratic and Republican colleagues supported my effort to put an end to the overly broad blank check for war that is the 2001 AUMF. If passed into law as part of the DOD bill, it would repeal the 2001 AUMF eight … Continue Reading

June 28, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Congressman Michael Burgess Re-Introduce the Audit the Pentagon Act of 2017

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Congressman Michael Burgess held a bipartisan press conference to re-introduce the Audit the Pentagon Act of 2017. This legislation would impose a penalty of 0.5% on the Pentagon each year that it fails to undergo an audit. "What's taking place at the Pentagon is simply outrageous. It's been nearly twenty-seven years since Congress passed the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, which required an audit of every agency. In the two and a … Continue Reading

June 26, 2017

Congresswoman Lee: CBO Estimate for Senate Trumpcare Bill is a ‘Warning to the American People’

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement on the Congressional Budget Office's estimate on the Senate plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act: "The Congressional Budget Office's report on the Senate Republican 'health care' bill is a warning to the American people. If we do nothing - and allow this heartless bill to become law - 22 million of our neighbors and loved ones will lose lifesaving health coverage. "Families would be forced to choose between … Continue Reading

June 26, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Leads Call to Uber, Tech Industry to Address Diversity Deficit in Leadership

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee along with the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) - led by Chairman Cedric Richmond and Representatives G.K. Butterfield and Emanuel Cleaver- sent a letter to Uber, calling on the ride-share service company and other technology firms to prioritize diversity when filling senior leadership positions. "When the Congressional Black Caucus Diversity Task Force launched CBC TECH 2020 in May 2015, we cautioned leaders in the tech community that its … Continue Reading

June 23, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Marks One Year Anniversary of House Gun Violence Sit-in

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement today on the first anniversary of House Democrats gun violence sit-in on the House Floor: "One year ago today, I was proud to join my colleagues on the House Floor to demand action on the epidemic of gun violence in America. Democrats, led by Congressman John Lewis, sent a message loud and clear to Republicans: enough is enough, Americans deserve to be safe in their own communities." "Sadly, instead of working with … Continue Reading

June 22, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Cosponsors Voting Rights Advancement Act

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee cosponsored the Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA), legislation which restores protections for voters in states with a recent history of discrimination. Four years after the Supreme Court's decision to gut the Voting Rights Act in Shelby County v. Holder, the VRAA addresses discriminatory voter ID laws, racial gerrymandering, and other voter suppression tactics enacted across the country. "Voting is the bedrock of our democracy. No … Continue Reading

June 22, 2017

Rep. Barbara Lee Slams Senate Republicans’ Heartless Anti-Health Legislation

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement on Senate Republicans' Trumpcare bill: "It appears that Senate Republicans have done the impossible: they've made a morally bankrupt, heartless health care plan even worse. "Once again, President Trump and his Republican friends have shown just how out-of-touch they are with the needs and concerns of the American people. This bill would kick struggling families off of Medicaid and disproportionately devastate … Continue Reading

June 20, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Members of Congress File Largest Congressional Lawsuit in History Against President Trump

Washington, D.C. - Last week, Congresswoman Barbara Lee along with nearly 200 Members of Congress filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against President Trump, whose ongoing failure to disclose his foreign business dealings violates one of the Constitution's critical anti-corruption provisions: the Foreign Emoluments Clause. Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement after Members of Congress held a press conference providing updates on the … Continue Reading

June 19, 2017

Congresswoman Lee Marks 152nd Observance of Juneteenth

Oakland, CA - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement in observance of Juneteenth: "Today we pause to celebrate and commemorate Juneteenth - the day in 1865 when news of slavery's end finally made its way to Galveston, Texas. More than two years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, news of the Proclamation and the Union's victory in the Civil War had not reached Galveston, Texas. On this day, 152 years ago, all African Americans could finally claim their … Continue Reading

June 16, 2017

Statement from Bipartisan Cuba Working Group on President Trump's Plan to Roll Back Cuba Normalization Efforts

Washington, D.C. - The Bipartisan Co-Chairs of the Cuba Working Group (CWG), Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), Congressman Rick Crawford (R-AR), Congresswoman Kathy Castor (D-FL), and Congressman Tom Emmer (R-MN), released the following statement regarding President Trump's announcement that he intends to roll back the policies that expanded travel to and trade with Cuba: "We strongly disagree with the decision to reinstate failed isolationist policies towards Cuba. Restricting travel and … Continue Reading

June 15, 2017

Rep. Barbara Lee Slams President Trump’s Backwards Decision on Cuba

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement on the Trump Administration's reported decision to reverse Obama-era policies normalizing U.S. relations with Cuba: "I am appalled and saddened by the reports that President Trump will reinstate failed isolationist Cuba policies. Instead of considering the best interests of the American and Cuban people, the president has made a political decision to squander jobs, severely restrict travel, and undermine our … Continue Reading

June 15, 2017

Lee, Pelosi, Harris, Feinstein Introduce Resolution Congratulating Warriors Epic Championship Run

Washington, D.C. -Representatives Barbara Lee and Nancy Pelosi and Senators Kamala Harris and Dianne Feinstein (all D-Calif.) today introduced a bicameral congressional resolution congratulating the Golden State Warriors on their NBA Finals victory over the Cleveland Cavaliers. "As a proud member of Dub Nation, I am excited to celebrate this remarkable victory for the Warriors, securing their second NBA Championship in three years," Representative Lee said. "The outstanding lineup led by Team … Continue Reading

June 08, 2017

Rep. Barbara Lee: Republicans Voted to Rig Economy for the Wealthy

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Lee released the following statement after Republicans in Congress passed H.R. 10, the Financial "CHOICE" Act, repealing financial protections for families and consumers: "Our nation is rooted in the belief that those who work hard should be able to find a good-paying job, purchase a home, and comfortably raise a family. No event in recent history has put this vision in greater jeopardy than the Great Recession. Millions of innocent Americans paid the … Continue Reading

June 06, 2017

Congresswoman Lee Leads Letter Demanding Long-Term Military Strategy from President Trump

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee led 20 of her Democratic colleagues in sending a letter to President Donald Trump asking him to present a long-term national security strategy to Congress. Given the recent U.S.-led bombing against the Assad regime in Syria, as well as heightened military engagement in the Middle East and Africa, the Members of Congress urged President Trump to brief Congress and the American public on his plans to address the ongoing and emerging conflicts … Continue Reading

June 06, 2017

Congresswoman Lee Demands Real Investments in American Infrastructure

Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Lee, member of the House Appropriations Committee, released the following statement on President Trump's announced "Infrastructure Week": "During President Trump's toothless 'Infrastructure Week,' all we have seen are more promises from this administration to place the financial interests of billionaires above the needs of the American people. "Instead of presenting a plan to help the people of Flint poisoned by their own pipes, who are the undeniable … Continue Reading

June 05, 2017

Congresswoman Lee Celebrates Grand Opening of Howard West

Oakland, CA - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee attended the grand opening of Howard West at Google's Mountain View Campus. Google has partnered with Howard University to create Howard West, an immersive computer science-learning summer program designed for students of Historically Black Colleges and Universities to expand the pool of Black technologists and accelerate inclusion at Google and throughout the tech sector. "I am excited to join in celebrating this innovate partnership between … Continue Reading

June 02, 2017

Congresswoman Lee Celebrates LGBT Pride Month

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, a founding member and Vice Chair of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus, released this statement in honor of LGBT Pride Month: "As a founding member and Vice Chair of the LGBT Equality Caucus, I am proud to join East Bay residents, Americans across those country and people around the world in celebrating LGBT Pride Month. "In recent years we have made tremendous strides in the struggle against discrimination and the fight for equal … Continue Reading

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