Press Releases

November 15, 2007

Barbara Lee To Meet With Volunteers Receiving Training To Assist In The Clean Up Of The Oil

(Oakland, CA) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee will meet with volunteers who will be receiving training to assist in the clean up of area shorelines following the spill of 58,000 gallons of toxic bunker fuel that was dumped into the San Francisco Bay after the Cosco Busan collided with a Bay Bridge support beam. Congresswoman Lee will also meet with Hazmat trainers in order to assess what efforts need to be made by Congress to protect the region’s pristine waterways.WHO: Congresswoman Barbara Lee … Continue Reading

November 15, 2007

Barbara Lee to Join in Release of New Report on Toy Safety

(Oakland, CA) - As the holiday shopping season gets underway, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) will be speaking at press conference with representatives from CalPIRG to release a new report on toy safety.WHO: Congresswoman Barbara Lee, CalPIRG representative Danielle Ziff, and parents and teachers will be on hand to discuss toy safety WHERE: St. Vincent’s Day Home at 1086 8th Street in OaklandWHEN: November 20, 2007 at 11:30 … Continue Reading

November 15, 2007

Barbara Lee Hails Passage of Second Chance Act

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), one of the nation’s leading advocates for criminal justice reform, applauded the House passage on November 13, 2007 of HR 1593, the Second Chance Act of 2007, a measure aimed at addressing recidivism by strengthening programs to help the reentry of formerly incarcerated individuals. The bill passed with overwhelming bipartisan support, and its companion bill, S. 1060, is already cosponsored by a third of the United States Senate.“No one is … Continue Reading

November 13, 2007

Barbara Lee Leads Progressives on Iraq Redeployment Bill

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) spoke out in favor of legislation that for the first time links funding for Iraq with the responsible redeployment of our troops during debate today on the House floor. The following is her statement:“Mr. Speaker, as one who opposed the invasion of Iraq and as one who has led efforts to end the occupation of Iraq , I rise today to support the Orderly and Responsible Iraq Redeployment Appropriations Act of 2007. “First, I would like to … Continue Reading

November 12, 2007

Barbara Lee’s Statement on the Passing of Augustus Hawkins

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) issued the following statement on the passing of Augustus Freeman “Gus” Hawkins, the first African American elected to Congress from California and a co-founder of the Congressional Black Caucus:“As a lawmaker, as a Civil Rights leader and as an advocate for children and underserved communities, Congressman Augustus Hawkins was a leader who has left behind a lasting legacy, both in terms of his legislative accomplishments and in the memories … Continue Reading

October 30, 2007

Barbara Lee to Co-Host Third Annual Clean Slate Summit

(Oakland, CA) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) will be co-hosting the third annual Clean Slate record remedies summit, a day of free legal advice and assistance designed to help formerly incarcerated people clear up criminal records and put their past behind them, at Berkeley High School on Saturday, November 3rd.WHO: Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Assemblymember Sandre Swanson, Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson, Alameda County Superior Court Judge Gordon Baranco Alameda County … Continue Reading

October 23, 2007

Barbara Lee Slams Senate Southwick Confirmation

Singles Out Feinstein for Sending Nomination to the Floor(Washington, DC) - In response to the Senate vote today to confirm Judge Leslie Southwick to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) released the following statement criticizing the vote and:“Judge Southwick’s confirmation today is a strike against our nation’s commitment to equal justice.“I am appalled that the Senate would confirm to the Fifth Circuit someone who thinks that it is EVER acceptable for … Continue Reading

October 21, 2007

Barbara Lee Responds to Bush Iraq Supplemental Request

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee, who last week led a group of 89 House members in writing to the President to state their commitment to only providing funding for the redeployment of troops from Iraq, issued the following statement in response to the $196 billion supplemental spending request for Iraq that President Bush formally submitted today:“The President is asking Congress to pay for an exit strategy for him at the expense of our troops. Well, people aren’t buying his scare … Continue Reading

October 17, 2007

Barbara Lee to Hold Press Conference on Children’s Health Care Veto

(Oakland, CA) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) will hold a press conference at Oakland’s Children’s Hospital and Research Center on Friday morning to discuss the issue of healthcare and specifically the State Children’s Health Insurance Program after efforts to override President Bush’s veto of the bipartisan bill to reauthorize and expand the program fell 13 votes short in the House on Thursday.WHO: Speakers will include:Congresswoman Barbara LeeFrank Tiedemann, President and CEO of … Continue Reading

October 17, 2007

Barbara Lee Blasts Republican Votes to Uphold Bush SCHIP Veto

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issued the following statement condemning Republican support for President Bush’s veto of a bipartisan bill that would have reauthorized and expanded the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, after the House fell 13 votes short of overriding the President’s veto:“The President and the Republicans who upheld his veto in the House stand virtually alone in opposing this critical bipartisan legislation that would extend much needed … Continue Reading

October 16, 2007

Barbara Lee Introduces Bill to Tie CEO Pay to Worker Pay

(Washington, DC) - With the gap between the rich and poor reaching its widest point in 70 years, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) today introduced legislation designed to close the pay gap between executives and average workers.“The wages of American workers have been stagnant, in real terms, for 30 years, in spite of the growth of the economy and terrific gains in worker productivity,” said Lee. “Income inequality is back to pre-depression levels, and it is time to put to bed the idea … Continue Reading

October 15, 2007

Lee Leads Growing Group That Will Only Fund Redeployment

Washington, DC - As public opposition to President Bush’s failed Iraq policy continues to mount, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) led a bi-partisan group of 89 House Members in sending a letter to President Bush to inform him that they will only support appropriating additional funds for Iraq for the protection and safe redeployment of U.S. troops out of Iraq before the end of President Bush’s term in office.Last week, Lee released the results of a national poll that found that 70 percent … Continue Reading

October 12, 2007

Barbara Lee’s Statement in Honor of Hispanic Heritage Month

(Oakland, CA) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) released the following statement today in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month:“As a proud member of the Tri-Caucus - the coalition of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Congressional Black Caucus, and the Asian Pacific American Caucus - it is my honor to recognize Hispanic Heritage Month, and its importance to our nation.“I’d like to recognize my colleagues in Congress who are part of the Latino community, particularly my colleague from … Continue Reading

October 11, 2007

Barbara Lee’s Statement in Support of the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issued the following statement in support of the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund Act, which was approved by the House by a vote of 264-148:“As a former member of the Financial Services Committee, I helped author - along with our colleague Bernie Sanders and others - the first housing trust fund bill. I am so very pleased that our two great champions of housing, Chairwoman Waters and Chairman Frank have continued this legacy to … Continue Reading

October 09, 2007

Barbara Lee Introduces Legislation to Strengthen Health Infrastructure in Africa

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) introduced legislation today aimed at strengthening public health infrastructure in African countries by addressing the chronic shortage of health workers.“The unfortunate reality is that global health programs dealing with issues like AIDS, TB and malaria are pulling health professionals away from already fragile public health systems,” said Lee. “We need to ensure that success in fighting diseases like AIDS, TB and malaria doesn’t … Continue Reading

October 09, 2007

Barbara Lee: New Poll Shows Strong Opposition to Unconditional Iraq Funding, Support for Funding Redeployment

(Washington, DC) - On the fifth Anniversary of the House vote to authorize the use of force against Iraq, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) called on colleagues in Congress to support efforts to use the appropriations process to end the Bush administration’s policy in Iraq, citing new national polling data that shows strong opposition to providing further Iraq funding without conditions, and broad support for providing funds only for the purpose of redeploying troops. She was joined at a … Continue Reading

October 05, 2007

Barbara Lee Hosts Immigration Town Halls in Fruitvale and Chinatown

(Oakland, CA) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) hosted town hall meetings on immigration issues in Oakland’s Chinatown and Fruitvale districts on Saturday to discuss the status of immigration reform in Congress and to provide resources to constituents seeking assistance on immigration-related issues.At both events, Lee talked about the politicization of the immigration debate, and her support for comprehensive immigration reform, and encouraged attendees to avail themselves of the free … Continue Reading

October 04, 2007

Barbara Lee Blasts Bush SCHIP Veto

(Oakland, CA) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issued the following statement in response to President Bush’s veto of the expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP):“I am deeply saddened by the President’s incomprehensible decision to deny health care to millions of American children who need it badly. Apparently, the President feels that funding this critical program for five years is not worth the cost, even as he spends the same amount to continue the … Continue Reading

October 02, 2007

Barbara Lee’s Statement in Support of Unionized Security Guards

(Oakland, CA) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issued the following statement on Wednesday in support of unionized security guards who are engaged in protracted contract talks with several private security firms in the Bay Area:“I am deeply concerned that the predominately African American Security Guard force does not earn a living wage. Like all workers, they should be able to provide the quality of life for their families that they deserve. I hope that the management of these firms … Continue Reading

September 30, 2007

Barbara Lee to Host Chinatown Town Hall on Immigration

(Oakland, CA) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) will host a town hall meeting on immigration issues in Oakland’s Chinatown district featuring representatives from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Immigration Legal Resource Center, the Asian Law Caucus, the Catholic Charities of the East Bay, the Asian Pacific Environmental Network, Filipinos for Affirmative Action, and the Oakland Chinatown Chamber of Commerce. Experts will be on hand to provide free legal consultation, and … Continue Reading

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