Press Releases

April 17, 2005

Barbara Lee Releases Analysis of Local Impact of Gas Prices

Energy Bill Promotes Oil Dependency at Consumers’ Expense(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) today released an analysis of the impact of higher gasoline prices showing that the average driver in California is being hit with an increase of $275 in the annual cost of driving since last year. “A 23 percent increase in gas prices over the last year sums up the Administration’s ‘pay more’ energy policy, not just for the average family, but for the average small business as … Continue Reading

April 13, 2005

Barbara Lee Receives “Voice for Choice” Award

Honored for Her Work on Women’s Rights, Sex Education and AIDS by Planned Parenthood (Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) was honored with the Voice for Choice Award in recognition of her record on promoting women’s rights by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America at the Planned Parenthood Honors Gala: A Salute to Courage, Vision, and Leadership on Thursday night. “The 2005 Voice for Choice Award means a great deal to me,” said Lee. “I believe in Planned Parenthood … Continue Reading

April 12, 2005

Barbara Lee Blasts Bankruptcy Bill

‘Reform’ Measure Kicks Working People When They Are Down(Washington, DC) - Representative Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) joined Representatives John Conyers (D-MI), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, in blasting the proposed Bankruptcy Reform bill at a press conference on Capitol Hill Today. “This bill is the embodiment of a kind of moral bankruptcy we are seeing a lot of these days,” said Lee. “There is a lot of righteous posturing and talk of ‘values,’ but the policies we see, like … Continue Reading

April 10, 2005

Barbara Lee Calls for Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Strategy

Policies Must Address Underlying Factors that Make Minorities Vulnerable (Oakland, CA) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee was the keynote speaker at the 17th National HIV/AIDS Update Conference at the Marriott Hotel in Oakland on Sunday evening. Lee talked about the increasing impact of HIV/AIDS on minorities and women and urged attendees to address the underlying factors that are making certain communities more vulnerable to the disease. “HIV/AIDS is having a devastating impact on African … Continue Reading

April 05, 2005

Barbara Lee Introduces Bill to Recognize the Anniversary of the End of Slavery

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) today reintroduced H.Res. 747, a bill to recognize the 140th anniversary of the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment, which ended slavery.“The Thirteenth Amendment initiated a civil rights movement that continues to this day,” said Lee. “Remembering our history is a critical part of continuing the process of overcoming injustice and discrimination, and Congress should ensure that this milestone in American history is recognized and … Continue Reading

April 04, 2005

Barbara Lee Hails Harvard PetroChina Divestment

National Movement for Genocide Divestment Gains Momentum( Washington , DC ) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) hailed news that Harvard University will sell $4.4 million of stock in PetroChina because of the company’s ties with the Sudanese government, who Congress and the Bush administration say is actively involved in the ongoing genocide in Darfur.“This is a small, but important victory in the national effort to remove the blood of Darfur from our pension funds and endowments,” said … Continue Reading

April 01, 2005

Rep. Barbara Lee Hosts Record Expungement Summit

Event Helps Ex-Offenders Return to the Community(Oakland, CA) - Alameda County residents looking to put past criminal offenses behind them had their records publicly cleared as part of an expungement summit hosted by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) at Laney College in Oakland on Saturday. “Building a healthy community means removing the obstacles that prevent ex-offenders from getting work, finding housing and rejoining our community,” said Rep. Lee. “We have a vested interest in making … Continue Reading

March 17, 2005

Barbara Lee Slams Republican Budget as “Morally Irresponsible”

Praises Congressional Black Caucus Alternative (Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) blasted the Republican budget resolution passed by the House today, calling it “fiscally reckless and morally irresponsible.” “Where is the morality in cutting funding for housing for people with disabilities and AIDS in order to extend tax cuts to the wealthiest among us?” Lee asked. “There is nothing moral about balancing the budget on the backs of those who can least afford it. A moral … Continue Reading

March 17, 2005

Barbara Lee Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Help AIDS Orphans Worldwide

(Washington, DC) - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee introduced the Assistance for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Developing Countries Act of 2005, a bill designed to provide a comprehensive US response to the continuing global problem of orphaned and vulnerable children. Lee is joined in introducing the bill by Representatives Henry Hyde (R-IL), Tom Lantos (D-CA), the Chair and Ranking Member of the House International Relations Committee and Jim Leach (R-IA), Chair of the Asia … Continue Reading

March 17, 2005

Barbara Lee Introduces Bill to Help India Fight AIDS

Bipartisan Bill Would Add India to U.S. Global AIDS Focus List (Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) introduced a bill intended to emphasize the importance of assisting India in its fight against AIDS by adding it as the 16th country under the authority of the Global AIDS Coordinator. The bill is cosponsored by Representatives Jim Leach (R-IA) and Eni Faleomavaega (D-American Samoa), the Chair and Ranking Member of the House International Relations Asia Subcommittee, as well … Continue Reading

March 16, 2005

Rep. Barbara Lee Hails CA Assembly Committee Passage of Sudan Divestment Legislation

Bay Area Young People Lee’s Testimony on Darfur Genocide(Washington, DC) - The California State Assembly Committee on Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security passed legislation today aimed at getting the California Public Employees Pensions System (CalPERS) to divest from companies doing business in Sudan.“No Californian should have to worry that their retirement is being financed by genocide,” said Rep. Lee. “I applaud Assemblymember Dymally and the committee’s efforts on this … Continue Reading

March 15, 2005

Rep. Barbara Lee Supports Protection of Civil Liberties Act

Calls for Bipartisan Commitment to Protect Civil Liberties (Washington, DC) - Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA-09) gave the following statement at a press conference on Capitol Hill today to announce the introduction of the Protection of Civil Liberties Bill, a bill co-authored by Rep. Carolyn Maloney and Rep. Tom Udall to implement 9/11 Commission recommendations and create an independent, bipartisan board to ensure the protection of civil liberties: “Today, I join my colleagues as a proud … Continue Reading

March 15, 2005

Rep. Lee Opposes Iraq Supplemental

Blasts Lack of Accountability and Exit Strategy, Says War Has Made the World Less Safe (Washington, DC) - Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA-09) and Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Representative Lynn Woolsey (D-CA-06) hosted a press conference to announce their opposition to the Iraq supplemental spending bill. They were joined by Representatives Jim McDermott (D-WA-07), John Conyers (D-MI-14) and Danny Davis (D-IL-07). Representative Lee gave the following statement: “First of all, … Continue Reading

March 10, 2005

Rep. Lee Opposes Ban on Financial Assistance to Students with Drug Convictions

Says Ban Unfairly Closes Doors to Students Who Want to Learn (Washington, DC) - Representative Barbara Lee gave the following statement at a press conference on Capitol Hill today to announce introduction of the Removing Impediments to Student Education (RISE) Act (H.R.1184), a bill sponsored by Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) and 56 co-sponsors, that would repeal of the federal law that bars federal loans and grants to college students with even the most minor drug convictions, while applying no … Continue Reading

March 10, 2005

Rep. Barbara Lee Leads Effort to Commemorate Rwanda Genocide

Says Mistakes of Rwanda Must Not Be Repeated in Darfur (Washington, DC) - Today the House International Relations Committee Subcommittee on Africa and Global Human Rights, and International Operations approved H.CON.RES 88, a bill introduced by Rep. Donald Payne (D-NJ) and co-sponsored by Rep. Barbara Lee, to recognize and commemorate the Rwandan genocide in 1994. Rep. Lee emphasized the importance remembering the Rwanda genocide, particularly given the ongoing genocide in Darfur, Sudan. “We … Continue Reading

March 09, 2005

Rep. Barbara Lee Supports Freedom to Read, Opposes Patriot Act

(Washington, DC) - Representative Barbara Lee gave the following statement at a press conference on Capitol Hill today to announce introduction of the Freedom to Read Protection Act, a bill sponsored by Rep. Bernard Sanders (I-VT) and 108 co-sponsors that would repeal sections of the Patriot Act that allow the federal government to monitor individual’s reading habits by searching the records of bookstores and libraries: “First, I want to thank my friend, Congressman Bernie Sanders, for … Continue Reading

March 07, 2005

Rep. Barbara Lee Statement on International Women’s Day

Calls for Recommitment to Women’s Rights, Blasts Bush Policies (Washington, DC) - Representative Barbara Lee offered the following statement on the eve of International Women’s Day: “As we reflect on International Women’s Day and women’s global struggle for equality and human rights, it is important to note that many of the greatest obstacles to the realization of these goals are the policies of the Bush administration. “Ten year’s after the landmark UN conference in Beijing resulted in a … Continue Reading

March 04, 2005

Rep. Barbara Lee to Deliver Weekly CBC “Message to America”

(Washington, DC) - U.S. Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) will deliver the weekly CBC “Message to America” radio address this Saturday, March 5th, 2005. Representative Lee’s remarks address the ongoing genocide in Sudan and action people can take to help stop the violence. The CBC “Message to America” is distributed nationwide to the American Urban Radio Network’s (AURN) affiliate stations. Representative Lee will deliver the following remarks: (Broadcast Quality MP3) “This is Congresswoman … Continue Reading

March 03, 2005

Rep. Lee Takes Bay Area Young People on Congressional Civil Rights Pilgrimage

Tour of Historic Civil Rights Sites in Alabama Commemorates 40th Anniversary of 1965 Voting Rights March Washington, DC - On March 4-6, 2005, Congresswoman Barbara Lee will join civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) and honorary pilgrimage co-chairs Sen. George Allen (R-VA), Sen. Jon S. Corzine (D-NJ), House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) and other Members of the U.S. House and Senate on a bipartisan pilgrimage to historic sites of the Civil Rights Movement … Continue Reading

March 02, 2005

Rep. Lee Slams HUD Secretary on Bush Housing Budget

Tells Jackson the Budget Lacks Morality (Washington, DC) - Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA-09) asked tough questions of HUD Secretary Alfonso Jackson and described the proposed cuts in the Bush administration’s housing budget as lacking morality during testimony before the House Financial Services Committee today. “We keep hearing about the religious values of this President and this administration, yet this budget does not reflect any sense of morality. It is the opposite,” said Rep. Lee. “Given … Continue Reading

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