Press Releases

June 14, 2005

Barbara Lee Hosts Local Winner of Congressional Art Competition

Berkeley High School Student’s Artwork Displayed in US Capitol Exhibit(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee hosted Naomi Drexler, the Ninth Congressional District winner of the 21st annual Congressional Art Competition, An Artistic Discovery, for the opening of the exhibit at the US Capitol building today. Ms. Drexler’s work, "Eyes of Sorrow" will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol for the year-long exhibit sponsored by more than 300 Members of Congress."We are very proud … Continue Reading

June 09, 2005

Barbara Lee Haiti Arms Amendment included in State Department Authorization bill

Amendment will require State Department to shed light on weapons transactions from the U.S. to Haiti (Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee today offered the Haiti Arms Report amendment to bring attention to the potential violation of the U.S. arms embargo to Haiti and the administration’s approval of arms sales, transfers and license approval to U.S. private companies. Lee received bipartisan support for the amendment which requires full disclosure from the State Department on weapons … Continue Reading

June 08, 2005

Barbara Lee Proposes Amendments to State Dept. Bill

Opposes Permanent Military Bases in Iraq, Calls for Exit Strategy(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee offered amendments to prevent the US from establishing permanent military bases in Iraq and calling on the Bush administration to articulate a clear exit strategy for Iraq during a wide ranging debate on US foreign policy as the House International Relations Committee took up the State Department Authorization bill today.“On April 13 last year, the President said, ‘as a proud and … Continue Reading

May 25, 2005

Barbara Lee Criticizes Misplaced Security Priorities

Says Defense Bill Does Not Address Real Threats (Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) spoke out against misplaced security priorities as the House debated the Defense Authorization bill today. “As the proud daughter of a veteran, I believe that our nation is best defended by funding priorities that make our nation and world safer. This bill, I’m sorry to say, does not do that,” said Lee. “What does it say about our priorities that this bill funds an $8 billion missile … Continue Reading

May 24, 2005

Barbara Lee Supports Expanded Stem Cell Research

Cites Disproportionate Impact of Diabetes on Minorities(Washington, DC) - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee offered the following statement in support of H.R. 810,the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, a bi-partisan bill to expand the number of embryonic stem cell lines for research:“As an original co-sponsor of H.R. 810, I support the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act.“I want to applaud my colleagues Rep. Castle and Rep. DeGette for working together to introduce this common sense … Continue Reading

May 24, 2005

Barbara Lee Blasts Senate Deal on Judges

Calls Compromise a “Capitulation to Republican Bullying” (Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee blasted the deal brokered by 14 Senate Democrats and Republicans to avoid the “nuclear option.” The deal provides for the confirmation of Janice Rogers Brown, Priscilla Owen and William Pryor and stipulates that the filibuster will be used on future judicial nominees only in “extraordinary circumstances.” Congresswoman Lee’s statement follows: “While I understand and appreciate my Senate … Continue Reading

May 19, 2005

Barbara Lee Slams Erosion of Environmental Protections

Calls Republican Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill “An Environmental Disaster” (Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) accused Republicans of endangering the health of the American public by weakening environmental protections and clean water funding during debate on the Interior-Environment Appropriations bill today. Lee voted against the bill, which passed, 329-89.“Once more we are forced to vote on an interior appropriations bill that is nothing less than an … Continue Reading

May 19, 2005

Barbara Lee and Congressional Black Caucus Deliver Letter to Senator Frist Opposing Elimination of the Filibuster

Letter Opposes the Nomination of Judges with Extremist Views on Civil and Human Rights (Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) joined with her colleagues from the Congressional Black Caucus in delivering a letter to Senate Majority Leader William Frist (R-Tenn.) stating the CBC’s opposition to eliminating the use of the filibuster and to the nomination of judges with extremist views on civil and human rights this morning. The letter explained the irony of how the filibuster, … Continue Reading

May 16, 2005

Barbara Lee Calls for Investigation of Torture Policy

Letter to Gonzales Requests Special Counsel to Investigate Officials Responsible (Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland), along with more than 50 members of Congress, sent a letter to US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on Friday, calling on him to appoint a special counsel to investigate whether high-ranking Bush administration officials violated US and international law by allowing the use of prohibited torture techniques in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. … Continue Reading

May 16, 2005

Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Lynn Woolsey and Barbara Lee Announce the Hire of CPC Progressive Policy Advisor

(Washington, DC) - US Representatives Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), co-chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), announced today the hire of veteran Hill professional Bill Goold to be the Caucus’ first full-time Progressive Policy Advisor. “Bill will be an incredible asset to the Congressional Progressive Caucus,” said Rep. Woolsey. “His legislative and grassroots experience will help our Progressive Caucus increase our visibility and move a progressive agenda … Continue Reading

May 11, 2005

After Planting 30 Million in Africa, Nobel Laureate Plants a Tree at the Capitol

Barbara Lee and CBC Organize Historic Tree Planting with 2004 Kenyan Nobel Peace Laureate Wangari Maathai (Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Members of the Congressional Black Caucus joined 2004 Nobel Peace Laureate, environmentalist and women’s rights leader Wangari Maathai in planting a Golden Rain Tree (Koelreuteria Paniculata) on the Capitol grounds today. “Planting trees is a critical part of Wangari Maathai’s work to foster peace, environmental sustainability, human … Continue Reading

May 05, 2005

Barbara Lee Says Bush Slash and Burn Forest Policy Hurts America

Slams Administration Changes to the ‘Roadless Rule’ (Washington, DC) - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) slammed Bush administration to National Forest Service rules in order to allow road building in millions of acres of previously protected national forest. "This new rule is a travesty for our national forests. By opening the door to new road construction, the Forest Service and the Bush Administration are putting the profits of logging and mining companies ahead of the … Continue Reading

May 04, 2005

Barbara Lee Calls for Universal Health Coverage

Co-Sponsors Bills to Reduce the Number of America’s Uninsured (Washington, DC) - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) called for health coverage for all Americans and announced that she is co-sponsoring three bills being aimed at reducing the number of America’s uninsured by more than half. “This week is ‘Cover the Uninsured Week,’ and there are almost 6.5 million people in California without health insurance, 300,000 more than when President Bush took office,” said Lee. “Almost all … Continue Reading

April 26, 2005

Barbara Lee Praises Efforts to End Cuba Embargo

Meets with Activists on Capitol Hill for Cuba Action Day(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland), met with Bay Area activists participating in Cuba Action Day and called for an end to the trade and travel restrictions with Cuba.“It is time to get rid of the illogical and archaic travel and trade embargo on Cuba,” said Lee. “This policy is clearly broken, and it is up to us to fix it.”More than 700 activists gathered from around the country to participate in Cuba Action Day, … Continue Reading

April 24, 2005

Barbara Lee Issues Call for Action on Africa Malaria Day

Calls for Increase in Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee, on the occasion of Africa Malaria Day, issued a call for increased funding for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.“As we recognize Africa Malaria day, we need to do more to combat this disease in Africa and throughout the world,” said Lee. “The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is the primary vehicle of US foreign assistance efforts to … Continue Reading

April 21, 2005

Barbara Lee Praises Green Business, Slams Bush on Earth Day

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee praised green business and criticized the Bush administration and Republican Congress’ energy and environmental policies at an Earth Day press conference in Albany today to announce the launch of the Green Albany Project, an innovative effort to help small businesses save money by adopting environmentally friendly practices. The text of her remarks follows: “Good afternoon and thank you for that kind welcome. It is my pleasure to be here in … Continue Reading

April 19, 2005

Barbara Lee Blasts CAFTA

Joins Bipartisan Group Calling for Fair Trade (Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) joined a bi-partisan group of lawmakers as well as labor, environmental and fair trade organizations at a press conference to express opposition to the proposed Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) on Capitol Hill today. Her statement follows: “The Central American Free Trade Agreement is bad policy, and I am proud to stand with Democrats and Republicans alike in opposition to this … Continue Reading

April 19, 2005

Barbara Lee Opposes ANWR Drilling

Cure for ‘Oil Addiction’ is Conservation, Efficiency and Renewable Energy (Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) spoke out today in favor of a bipartisan amendment to prevent drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR). The amendment the Republican Energy Bill was introduced by Representatives Ed Markey (D-MA) and Nancy Johnson (R-CT). Lee gave the following statement on the House floor: “Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this bipartisan amendment. “Mr. Speaker, … Continue Reading

April 18, 2005

Barbara Lee Calls for End to the Wage Gap on Equal Pay Day

Co-Sponsors the Equal Paycheck Fairness Act (Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland), lauded the introduction of the Equal Paycheck Fairness Act, and called for an end to the disparities in pay between men and women on Equal Pay Day. “It is time to end the wage gap between men and women,” said Lee. “Despite many positive changes in women’s participation in the work force, the fact is that women continue to earn lower wages compared to men, and that is just wrong.” In 2004, … Continue Reading

April 18, 2005

Barbara Lee Congratulates University of California On Winning New Berkeley Lab Contract

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) offered the following statement on the Department of Energy’s (DOE) announcement today that it will award a new five-year contract to the University of California to manage and operate its Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL): “Congratulations to the University of California for winning the competition for continued management of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Berkeley Lab is an integral part of the economic and … Continue Reading

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