
Congresswoman Lee has long been a champion of cannabis justice. As a Co-Chair of the Congressional Cannabis Caucus, she helps lead the coalition of members of Congress fighting to end the war on drugs. Lee has always opposed America’s War on Drugs as unjust, classist, and racist. Having lived in Los Angeles and Oakland, she’s seen the consequences of the drug war up close and personal, and dismantling prohibition one bill at a time has been one of her missions since she first took office. She introduced the first cannabis reform bill focused on racial justice, the Marijuana Justice Act, in 2019. The legislation would deschedule marijuana at the federal level and repair some of the harm from the failed War on Drugs by expunging federal marijuana use and possession crimes; incentivizing states through federal funds to amend their cannabis laws; and creating a Community Reinvestment Fund to invest in the communities most impacted by the War on Drugs by funding job training and re-entry programs. 

She remains at the forefront of Congressional negotiations for cannabis reform with the goal of finally ending the racist, outdated, and unjust war on drugs. 
