Press Releases

July 22, 2011

Barbara Lee Responds to 200 Days of Republican Control in the House, Calls for Job Creation

For Immediate Release Contact Ricci Graham, (510) 763-0370 Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement regarding the ongoing deficit negotiations and the Republicans' record on job creation: "Tomorrow marks 200 days of a Republican controlled House without a single jobs bill coming up for a vote. "Republicans' willingness to bring our economy to the brink of disaster is a frightening sign of just how dangerous their 'you are on your own' … Continue Reading

July 21, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Welcomes Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis to the 9th Congressional District

For Immediate Release Contact: Ricci Graham (510) 763-0370 Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) is pleased to announce that U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis will attend two events in the 9th Congressional District on Friday, July 22, 2011. Secretary Solis is scheduled to provide opening remarks during the plenary session for the Pacific American Labor Alliance's Biennial Conference "Generations United: Our Jobs, Our Rights … Continue Reading

July 21, 2011

Barbara Lee, Congressional Out of Poverty Caucus Speak Out Against Cuts to Vital Human Needs Programs

For Immediate Release Contact Ricci Graham, (510) 763-0370 Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), Founding Co-Chair of the Congressional Out of Poverty Caucus (COPC), Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, and eight Members of the COPC spoke on the impact of debt reduction plans on vital human needs programs for low income communities. Congresswoman Lee highlighted the importance of preserving Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security as well as the need to pass H.R. 589 to … Continue Reading

July 19, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Opposes Republican "Cut, Cap, and Balance" Proposal

For Immediate Release Contact Ricci Graham, (510) 763-0370 Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) spoke in opposition to the Republican "Cut, Cap, and Balance" Proposal that would cap spending at Ryan Budget levels, end the Medicare guarantee, extend tax breaks to special interest, and mandate the passage of a "balanced budget" constitutional amendment. The following is a transcript of her statement: "I rise in strong opposition to what has appropriately been labeled … Continue Reading

July 14, 2011

Barbara Lee Speaks Out Against Anti-Immigrant Legislation

For Immediate Release Contact Ricci Graham, (510) 763-0370 Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) joined Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and other Members of Congress to speak out against Representative Lamar Smith's (R-TX) anti-immigrant legislation, the HALT Act. Rep. Smith, head of the House Judiciary Committee, introduced a bill on Tuesday to suspend the executive branch's ability to use discretion in immigration cases that would expire after the President's … Continue Reading

July 14, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Fights For COPS Funding

For Immediate Release Contact Ricci Graham, (510) 763-0370 Washington, D.C. - Yesterday, Congresswoman Barbara Lee joined her fellow Democratic colleagues on the House Committee on Appropriations in fighting against the Republican termination of COPS programs and other vital programs in the Fiscal Year 2012Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies bill. The COPS programs provide funding to hire police officers and support community policing efforts across the country. … Continue Reading

July 13, 2011

Barbara Lee Marks One Year Anniversary of National HIV/AIDS Strategy, Hosts Briefing with National Leaders

For Immediate Release Contact Ricci Graham, (510) 763-0370 Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) hosted a briefing for Members of Congress with Jeff Crowley, Director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy, and Department of Health and Human Services Officials on the one-year anniversary of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. Congresswoman Lee released the following statement: "Today marks a very important occasion because one year ago … Continue Reading

July 12, 2011

Barbara Lee Applauds U.S. Federal Appeals Court Decision Against Limiting International HIV/AIDS Policy

For Immediate Release Contact Ricci Graham, (510) 763-0370 Washington, D.C.- Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement after a federal appeals court ruled last week that the United States government cannot require U.S.-funded foreign assistance organizations that provide HIV/AIDS services globally to deny services to sex workers: "As a long time advocate against the 'anti-prostitution pledge', I welcome the federal appeals court ruling against the … Continue Reading

July 11, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Honors Southern Sudan Independence, Congratulates World's Newest Nation

For Immediate Release Contact: Ricci Graham, (510) 763-0370 Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement honoring the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of South Sudan on July 9, 2011: "The official declaration of independence for Southern Sudan marks a historical and critical moment for its people who have worked tirelessly and with due diligence to ensure a peaceful transition to independence. The people of Southern Sudan … Continue Reading

July 08, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Responds to June Jobs Report, Calls for Action to Support the Most Vulnerable Communities

For Immediate Release Contact: Ricci Graham 510-763-0370 Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement in response to the June jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics: "As the American economy continues sputter, it's clearly time for Congress to step up and pass legislation that would create jobs and stem the tide of rising unemployment. It is unacceptable that with 14.1 million people out of work and 6.3 million people … Continue Reading

July 08, 2011

Barbara Lee Votes Against Defense Appropriations Bill, Calls for Cuts to Bloated Pentagon Budget and Swift Withdrawal from Afghanistan, Iraq

For Immediate Release Contact Ricci Graham, (510) 763-0370 Lee Opposes Defense Appropriations Bill That Continues Unchecked Spending During Economic Recovery Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) was one of 87 Members of Congress who voted to oppose the Fiscal Year 2012 Defense Appropriations bill. Congresswoman Lee introduced several amendments to the Defense Appropriations bill to cut and audit the bloated Pentagon budget and bring our troops home swiftly … Continue Reading

July 06, 2011

Barbara Lee Honors African American Bone Marrow Awareness Month

For Immediate Release Contact: Ricci Graham, (510) 763-0370 Barbara Lee Honors African American Bone Marrow Awareness Month Washington, D.C.- Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee joined the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, the National Marrow Donor Program, and Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins from the singing group TLC to raise awareness on the importance of bone marrow donation in the African American community for African American Bone Marrow Awareness Month. Congresswoman Lee released the … Continue Reading

July 06, 2011

Barbara Lee, Congressional Out of Poverty Caucus Call on President, House and Senate Leadership to Protect Vital Social Services

For Immediate Release Contact: Ricci Graham, (510) 763-0370 Washington, D.C.- Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee joined fellow Congressional Out of Poverty Caucus Co-Chairs, Congressmen Joe Baca, G.K. Butterfield, John Conyers, and Mike Honda, in a letter to President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Senate and House leadership urging them to protect vital services that help the nation's most vulnerable. The following are key excerpts from that letter: "As you and your colleagues work to … Continue Reading

July 01, 2011

Barbara Lee Commemorates 45th Anniversary of the Implementation of Medicare

For Immediate Release Contact: Ricci Graham, (510) 763-0370 Washington, D.C.- Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement marking the 45th anniversary of the implementation of Medicare: "Medicare has been one of our country's proudest and most successful achievements, making us a stronger and healthier nation. Before Medicare was enacted in 1965, only half of all Americans 65 and older had medical insurance. Now, more than 47 million people - almost … Continue Reading

June 28, 2011

Barbara Lee Calls on Department of State to Ensure Safety of American Passengers on Gaza-Bound U.S. Ship

For Immediate Release June 28, 2011 Contact: Ricci Graham, (510) 763-0370 Washington D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) joined several congressional colleagues in expressing concern for the safety of American passengers aboard a U.S. ship, The Audacity of Hope, scheduled to set sail for Gaza in the coming days. "We request that you do everything in your power to work with the Israeli government to ensure the safety of the U.S. citizens on board. "We … Continue Reading

June 25, 2011

Barbara Lee Applauds Passage of New York Same-Sex Marriage Law

For Immediate Release June 25, 2011 Contact: Oscar Mairena, (202) 225-2661 Washington, D.C.- Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement on the 32-29, bipartisan vote in favor of marriage equality in the New York State Senate: "I am extremely pleased to learn that the New York State Senate voted in the interest of equality for all New Yorkers. "Denying civil rights based solely on sexual orientation is never acceptable and I am encouraged that … Continue Reading

June 24, 2011

Barbara Lee Honors National HIV Testing Day, Gets Tested with Members of Congress

For Immediate Release Friday, June 24, 2011 Contact: Oscar Mairena, (202) 225-2661 Washington, D.C. - Today, for the fifth year in a row, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) joined Congresswomen Donna Christensen (D-VI), Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX), Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), and Maxine Waters (D-CA); Congressmen Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Jim McDermott (D-WA); the National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA); Jeff Crowley, Director of the White House Office of National AIDS … Continue Reading

June 22, 2011

Barbara Lee on the President's Afghanistan Announcement: Plan Falls Far Short of the Significant and Sizeable Reduction That Our War-Weary Nation Expected

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225-2661 Lee Calls for Swifter, Steeper Reduction in Troop Levels; Reaffirms Commitment to End Funding for Combat Operations in Afghanistan Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement this evening in response to the President's announcement regarding U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan: "I was disappointed in the President's announcement this evening that only 10,000 troops will be removed from Afghanistan by the … Continue Reading

June 17, 2011

Barbara Lee: Reversal of 2009 Afghanistan Troop Escalation Would Be Inadequate

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225-2661 Lee Calls for More Significant Reduction of At Least 50,000 Troops Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement today regarding the President's pending decision on U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan, which is expected soon: "The President and his national security team are weighing a critical decision regarding the war in Afghanistan. As the President contemplates this decision, I urge him to hold … Continue Reading

June 17, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Responds to Billboards that Attack a Woman's Right to Choose

Media Contact: Ricci Graham, (510) 763-0370 Oakland - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-09) issued the following statement denouncing the race-based attack on a woman's right to choose that is being waged by the Radiance Foundation in coordination with the California-based Issues4Life: "I am deeply offended by the race-based billboards that are being displayed in my congressional district by the Radiance Foundation and Issues4Life," Congresswoman Lee said. "These billboards … Continue Reading

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