Press Releases

June 28, 2006

Barbara Lee Acts to Help “Patriot Corporations” Protect U.S. Jobs

(Washington, DC) - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) joined with Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and other members of Congress in announcing the introduction of the Patriot Corporation Act, a bill designed to reward companies who invest in America and its workforce by closing tax loopholes for companies that ship jobs overseas. “Today, I’m proud to be here to mark the introduction of the Patriot Corporation Act - a bill that would help inject some true patriotism into our … Continue Reading

June 27, 2006

Barbara Lee: Get Tested on National HIV Testing Day

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) today encouraged anyone who is concerned or unaware of his or her HIV status to participate in National HIV Testing Day and to get tested.“In a nation where over a quarter of a million people are unaware that they have HIV/AIDS, expanding HIV counseling and testing is critical to stopping this disease,” said Lee. “I encourage anyone who has any question about their HIV status to get tested today.”“Testing saves lives and it is one of … Continue Reading

June 27, 2006

Lee Seeks to Keep India Nuke Deal from Weakening Non-Proliferation Efforts

(Washington, DC) - Concerned that a proposed deal to share civilian nuclear technology with India will undermine international nonproliferation efforts, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) offered an amendment today that would require India to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) as a precondition to receiving nuclear assistance from the U.S.“What we do here today will have broad-ranging implications on our efforts to hold Iran and North Korea to international standards,” said … Continue Reading

June 27, 2006

Barbara Lee Supports Revised Ethiopia Bill

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) spoke out in support of a bipartisan compromise bill designed to provide to support human rights and democracy in Ethiopia, after revisions were made to address concerns about the original, Republican-authored version.“I am committed to this bipartisan bill which condemns the use of force, embraces the value of human rights, and supports reconciliation between all parties in Ethiopia, and I am glad that it was revised to incorporate … Continue Reading

June 26, 2006

Barbara Lee’s Statement on Iraq Withdrawal Plan

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) released the following statement today in response to news that U.S. military planners are considering a plan that could remove as many as half of U.S. combat troops from Iraq by 2007:“I hope that the Bush administration is finally understanding what we have been saying for years, namely that they need a clear, timelined plan for bringing our troops home from Iraq.“What remains to be seen is whether they will create a plan with real … Continue Reading

June 22, 2006

Congresswoman Lee Introduces Legislation to Reduce Women and Girls’ Vulnerability to HIV/AIDS Bill Eliminates Earmark for Abstinence-Only Programs

(Washington DC) - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee introduced a bill with bipartisan support that would require the President to develop a comprehensive strategy to reduce the vulnerability of women and girls to HIV infection in developing countries and would eliminate the requirement that thirty-three percent of AIDS prevention funds be spent for abstinence-only programs.“There is no reason why someone should be more vulnerable to AIDS because she is a woman, but the fact remains that women … Continue Reading

June 21, 2006

Barbara Lee Disappointed with Cancellation of Voting Rights Vote

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) expressed disappointment after the House Republican leadership announced that it was pulling a measure that would reauthorize expiring provisions of the Voting Rights Act from floor consideration today.“The Voting Rights Act has been a critical tool in helping fight discrimination in voting and ensuring the proper functioning of our democracy and I can’t understand why anyone would oppose this bipartisan bill,” said Lee. “I hope the … Continue Reading

June 21, 2006

Congress To Give Another Tax Cut To Millionaires, While Blocking Minimum Wage Increase

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) condemned the Republican leadership’s decision to move forward with a vote today on a bill to virtually eliminate the estate tax, while blocking a bill that contains a long-overdue increase in the federal minimum wage from being considered on the House Floor as previously scheduled.“It is unacceptable that the Republican Majority in the House will vote today to give a tax cut to the heirs of millionaires while blocking an increase in … Continue Reading

June 20, 2006

House Votes Against Permanent Bases in Iraq Lee Calls it a Vote Against Open-Ended Occupation

(Washington, DC) - Today, the House voted against leaving the door open to the establishment of permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq during debate on the FY07 Defense Appropriations bill. Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) applauded the bipartisan vote, calling it a vote against an open-ended occupation.“This is a vote against an open-ended military mission in Iraq,” said Lee. “I am glad to see my colleagues on the other side of the aisle recognize that the American people are against … Continue Reading

June 15, 2006

Barbara Lee Blasts “Sham” GOP Iraq Resolution Demands Real Debate on When and If Troops Will Return

(Washington, DC) - As the House began what was supposed to be the first sustained debate on Iraq since the war began more than three years ago, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) condemned the Republican-authored Iraq resolution for focusing on “rhetoric and posturing” rather than substantive policy issues, and challenged Republicans to defend their insistence on keeping the door open for a permanent U.S. presence in Iraq. The following is her floor statement, as delivered: “It’s been … Continue Reading

June 14, 2006

Barbara Lee to GOP: Will Troops Come Home at ALL? Republican Insistence on Permanent Bases Leaves Door Open to Indefinite Deployment of 50,000 or More

(Washington, DC) - As the House began what was supposed to be the first sustained debate on Iraq since the war began more than three years ago, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) condemned the Republican authored Iraq resolution for focusing on “empty rhetoric and cynical political theater” rather than substantive policy issues, and challenged Republicans to defend their insistence on keeping the door open for a permanent U.S. presence in Iraq.“This is the Republican idea of a policy … Continue Reading

June 14, 2006

Lee Secures $1.4 Million in Transportation and Housing Funding for 9th District

(Washington DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) announced that funding for three major 9th district projects was included in the Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development (TTHUD) Appropriations bill for 2007 that the House passed today.“These funds will go far in terms of supporting healthy, sustainable communities in the East Bay and strengthening our local economy,” said Lee. “I am particularly proud to bring federal funds to projects that provide transportation … Continue Reading

June 11, 2006

Barbara Lee Blasts Republican Insistence on Permanent Iraq Bases GOP Struck House and Senate Approved Provision from Supplemental

(Washington, DC) - During floor debate on the emergency war supplemental spending bill Monday night, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) slammed Republicans for removing in conference committee amendments that were approved by the House and Senate, introduced by Lee and Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) respectively, to prevent the establishment of permanent military bases in Iraq. The following is her statement as delivered:“I want to thank the gentleman for yielding and for his very strong … Continue Reading

June 07, 2006

Barbara Lee Condemns Disparities in Minority Mortgage Lending New Report Finds Blacks, Latinos More Vulnerable to Predatory Lending

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) joined Congressman Melvin Watt (D-NC), the Center for Responsible Lending and members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) and Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) at a press conference on Thursday to discuss a new report that found that African-Americans and Latinos are 30 percent more likely than whites to be victims of predatory lending.“This report makes it clear that minority communities continue to be the target of predatory … Continue Reading

June 07, 2006

Barbara Lee Blasts GOP Effort to Allow Permanent Iraq Bases Says Upcoming Debate on Iraq Should Clearly Rule Out Permanent Bases

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) condemned Republican efforts to quietly remove a provision to prevent spending to establish permanent military bases in Iraq during the conference committee on the emergency war supplemental spending bill.“The House and Senate went on record opposing permanent bases, but now the Republicans are trying to sneak them back in in the middle of the night,” said Lee. “The Republicans willingness to abuse the legislative process is clear … Continue Reading

June 06, 2006

House Approves Lee’s Resolution on Passport Month

(Washington, DC) - Last night, the House unanimously approved H. Res. 327, a measure introduced by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) to promote international travel by calling for the establishment of September as National Passport month.“Americans of all ages are our best ambassadors and we should promote policies that encourage them to travel, to forge connections with people from other countries, to foster mutual understanding, and tolerance and to help open new doors to peace,” said … Continue Reading

June 01, 2006

Barbara Lee Calls on Bush to Name Caribbean American Heritage Month

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland), author of legislation approved by both houses of Congress urging the President to make June Caribbean-American Heritage Month, issued the following statement today:“Today, June 1st, 2006, communities across the country are launching commemorative celebrations of the inaugural national Caribbean-American Heritage Month. From our nation's inception, the Caribbean-American community has played an important role in our history, culture, … Continue Reading

June 01, 2006

Barbara Lee Applauds Presidential Action on Caribbean American Heritage Month

(Washington, DC) - In response to news from the President that he will formally issue a proclamation on Monday, June 5th, naming June Caribbean-American Heritage month, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland), author of legislation approved by both houses of Congress urging the President to make June Caribbean-American Heritage Month, issued the following statement:“I am so pleased that the President agreed to officially declare June national Caribbean-American Heritage Month. The work that … Continue Reading

June 01, 2006

Congresswoman Lee’s Hosts Meeting on Wachovia Acquisition of Golden West Financial

(Washington, DC) - After a meeting yesterday with Wachovia representatives and East Bay community stakeholders, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) released the following statement regarding the recent acquisition of Golden West Financial, which is headquartered in Oakland:“Yesterday, I welcomed Wachovia to the East Bay to discuss expectations for its acquisition of Golden West Financial, which is headquartered in Oakland and has made positive impacts on the city and the surrounding … Continue Reading

June 01, 2006

Congresswoman Lee’s Statement on the 25th Anniversary of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issued the following statement on the 25th anniversary of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, which is June 5th: “In the 25 years since the CDC reported the first cases of a rare form of pneumonia among 5 gay men in Los Angeles, HIV/AIDS has infected nearly 70 million throughout the world and killed more than 25 million.“Although a substantial amount of progress has been made in mobilizing communities, civil society and governments to respond to … Continue Reading

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