Press Releases

November 18, 2005

Barbara Lee Blasts Phony GOP Withdrawal Measure Calls Effort a “Cynical, Disgraceful Stunt”

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issued the following statement in response to the Republican leadership’s decision to call for a vote on a GOP-authored measure that was designed to look like a measure introduced yesterday by Ranking Member of the Defense Appropriation Committee, John Murtha (D-PA), but which stripped many of the key elements included in Murtha’s bill: “I am disgusted by the course of events today. As the daughter of a veteran of two wars I am … Continue Reading

November 18, 2005

Barbara Lee Announces Federal Funds to Build Sidewalks, Improve Public Safety in Ashland, Cherryland and Castro Valley

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) announced that an Appropriations bill approved by the House today includes funds to improve public safety by building sidewalks in Ashland, Cherryland and Castro Valley. “This funding will help ensure that children aren’t walking to school or waiting for the bus in the street,” said Lee. “Building sidewalks is about increasing public safety and increasing mobility for people with disabilities. It is a small, but important part of … Continue Reading

November 18, 2005

Barbara Lee Announces Federal Funds for Cultural Arts Center in Fruitvale

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) announced that an Appropriations bill approved by the House today includes funds to add a cultural arts center to the Fruitvale Transit village. “Adding a cultural arts center to the Fruitvale Transit Village is another important step in improving the quality of life in the Fruitvale,” said Lee. “Bringing arts and culture and a place where young people and families can enjoy them is part of the idea of the Transit Village, which is … Continue Reading

November 18, 2005

Barbara Lee Condemns GOP Budget Bill as “Immoral”

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) released the following statement condemning as "immoral" the Republican budget resolution that was approved by the House by a vote of 217-215 at 1:39 this morning: "The Republican majority in this House has given us an immoral budget bill that flies in the face of our nation's basic values. "Incredibly, in the wake of devastating hurricanes and the two Americas that it clearly exposed, Republicans have seized the moment to … Continue Reading

November 16, 2005

Barbara Lee Responds to Rep. Murtha’s Call for Iraq Withdrawal

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issued the following statement in response to Ranking Member on the Defense Appropriations Committee, Jack Murtha’s (D-PA) speech today calling for the immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq: “Congressman Murtha’s statement represents a crucial tipping point. He gives a very important and credible voice to the growing majority of Americans who recognize that the military occupation of Iraq is undermining our security and … Continue Reading

November 16, 2005

Angelina Jolie Joins Barbara Lee to Celebrate Passage of Bill to Protect Orphans and Vulnerable Children, Call for Full Funding

(Washington, DC) - Academy award winning actress Angelina Jolie joined Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) at a press conference on Capitol Hill today to celebrate the passage of a bill authored by Lee designed to provide a comprehensive US response to the continuing global problem of orphaned and vulnerable children and to call for the measure to be fully funded. “Today, every 14 seconds another child is orphaned by AIDS. With parents dying at an alarming rate, children are left … Continue Reading

November 14, 2005

Barbara Lee Calls for End to Violence, Commitment to Democracy in Ethiopia

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) called for an end to violence and a commitment to reconciliation, as violence sparked by protests of the Ethiopian elections in May resumed over the weekend. “Any form of violence in Ethiopia cannot be condoned and all parties must come together to end the current political stalemate,” said Lee. “All Ethiopians must recognize the value of multi-party democracy and make an effort to respect the opinions of those in the minority and … Continue Reading

November 09, 2005

Lee Secures Funding for 9th District in Appropriations Bills Port, Education and Ex-Offender Funds Will Boost Economy and Reduce Crime

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) announced that the conference reports for the fiscal year 2006 appropriations bills for Energy and Water and Science State, Justice and Commerce approved by the House yesterday included key funds for her East Bay District.“These funds are welcome good news at a time when misplaced priorities and budget cuts are reducing money for vital programs that help our communities,” said Lee. “I’m proud to bring federal funds to the East bay that … Continue Reading

November 08, 2005

Barbara Lee Condemns House GOP Refusal to Investigate White House Marketing of Iraq War

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issued the following statement today after 25 Republican Members of the House International Relations Committee denied a bipartisan effort to obtain documents and communications from the White House Iraq Group (WHIG): “Yet again the Republican majority in the House has thwarted the will of the majority of Americans who are demanding answers about the war in Iraq. And yet again, the American people have been denied a fair and open … Continue Reading

November 03, 2005

Barbara Lee, CBC Introduce Comprehensive Katrina Relief Bill

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) joined Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Chair, Mel Watt (D-NC) and other CBC members at a press conference on Capitol Hill today to announce the introduction of the CBC’s comprehensive relief legislation for Katrina survivors and the Gulf region. "The Congressional Black Caucus is playing a pivotal role in making sure that recovery and reconstruction in the wake of hurricane Katrina is both speedy and just, and prioritizes the needs … Continue Reading

November 03, 2005

Foreign Aid Bill Includes Lee Measure to Ban Arms to Haiti

(Washington, DC) - The House today approved a foreign aid spending measure that included an amendment by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) that bans the sale and transfer of arms for use by the Haitian National Police and requires a State Dept. report on the involvement of Haitian police in criminal activity. “The people of Haiti remain targets of political violence, torture and in some cases murder, and too often the perpetrators of this violence are the Haitian National Police, … Continue Reading

October 31, 2005

Barbara Lee Proposes Repealing Tax Cuts for Wealthiest to Fund Poverty Alleviation Efforts

(Washington, DC) - In an ongoing effort to focus Congressional attention on the crisis of poverty in the United States exposed by hurricane Katrina, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) introduced legislation to repeal President Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and dedicate the funds to alleviating poverty. “Dealing with poverty is an issue of values and priorities,” said Lee. “Prioritizing massive tax breaks to the wealthiest few over addressing the fact that almost 40 … Continue Reading

October 31, 2005

Lee Praises Reid, Renews Call for Investigation into Pre-War Intelligence

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) renewed her calls for an investigation into the mounting evidence that the Bush administration manipulated intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraq and praised Senate Minority Harry Reid (D-NV) for using procedural means to force the issue on the floor of the Senate. “We are at war in Iraq under an authority conferred to President Bush by the U.S. Congress, and Congress not only has a right but a responsibility to make sure that … Continue Reading

October 30, 2005

Barbara Lee Responds to Bush Nomination of Alito

(Oakland, CA) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issued the following statement regarding President Bush’s nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to replace Justice Sandra Day O’Connor on the United States Supreme Court: “I am disappointed, but not surprised, that President Bush has missed the opportunity to nominate a candidate who would command wide public support to fill Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s seat on the Supreme Court. Instead of acting to unify our country behind someone who … Continue Reading

October 27, 2005

Barbara Lee Reacts to Indictment of Senior White House Official

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issued the following statement today on the indictment of Vice President Cheney’s Chief of Staff, Lewis “Scooter” Libby in the grand jury investigation of the outing of covert CIA agent, Valerie Plame: “This is not simply a question of the White House exposing an undercover CIA agent in an act of political retribution against a critic, it is about the White House deliberately manipulating intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraq … Continue Reading

October 26, 2005

Barbara Lee’s Statement on Harriet Miers SCOTUS Withdrawal

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issued the following statement on Harriet Miers withdrawing her nomination for the position of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court: “Harriet Miers nomination for the Supreme Court has fallen victim to the divisive politics of right wing extremists. It is frankly frightening the degree of influence that the far right of the Republican base has over this White House. “While I had concerns about Ms. Miers, particularly about her … Continue Reading

October 25, 2005

Barbara Lee Blasts GOP Democracy Gag Amendment

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) spoke out in favor of affordable housing and condemned Republican efforts to disenfranchise low income communities by banning non-partisan election activities conducted by non-profits receiving affordable housing funds during debate over a bill to reform Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs). “It is rare that this House considers housing bills and it is shameful, especially given those left homeless by Katrina, that our bipartisan … Continue Reading

October 24, 2005

Barbara Lee's Statement on the Death of Rosa Parks

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issued the following statement today on the death of civil rights leader Rosa Parks: “Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Rosa Parks. With her passing, we have lost a truly courageous American. “Without question, Rosa Parks, was a pivotal force in the struggle for civil rights in America. “Ms. Parks courageous action touched millions of lives, serving as a catalyst for the legendary bus boycott in Alabama and … Continue Reading

October 23, 2005

Barbara Lee’s Statement on the Nomination of Ben Bernanke for Fed Chair

(Oakland, CA) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) released the following statement today on the nomination of the chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers, Ben Bernanke for the position of Chairman of the Federal Reserve: “As a member of the House Financial Services Committee, I'm very conscious of Mr. Greenspan's many significant contributions, and I would like to thank him for his service. “Any new chair will face a difficult task, not only in filling Mr. … Continue Reading

October 21, 2005

Barbara Lee Hosts Roundtable to Improve Disaster Prepardness for Vulnerable Communities “We Cannot Let What Happened After Katrina Happen Here”

(Oakland, CA) - On Saturday, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) hosted a roundtable discussion on improving local disaster preparedness in the wake of hurricane Katrina, focusing specifically on protecting vulnerable communities. “We cannot let what happened after Katrina happen here in the Bay Area,” said Lee. “Katrina showed us that certain populations are more vulnerable when it comes to disasters, so we must address the underlying structural issues like poverty that contribute to … Continue Reading

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