Press Releases

January 08, 2018

Rep Lee Statement on Trump Admin Rescinding TPS for El Salvador

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement in response to the Trump Administration's decision to end Temporary Protective Status (TPS) for over 200,000 Salvadoran nationals in the United States: "Today, the Trump Administration has once again decided to turn their backs on TPS recipients. This program provides a refuge for more than 200,000 Salvadorans, who fled disaster, warfare and violence. Forcing them to return to El Salvador - one of the most … Continue Reading

January 04, 2018

Rep. Barbara Lee Statement on AG Sessions' Attack on Legal Marijuana Industry

Oakland, CA - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement regarding Attorney General Jeff Sessions' announcement that the Department of Justice would rescind three Obama Administration memos which discouraged federal interference in state marijuana laws: "Attorney General Jeff Sessions made a big mistake today. The lasting legacy of federal marijuana criminalization policies will be the overzealous policing and mass incarceration of people of color. It's disappointing, but not … Continue Reading

December 21, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Statement on FY2018 Continuing Resolution

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Lee released the following statement regarding the FY2018 Continuing Resolution: "For weeks Republicans have been too focused on giving the wealthiest 1% tax breaks to adequately fund the government. As a result, congressional Republicans have once again driven this country to the brink of an avoidable self-inflicted crisis. "This reckless short-term resolution ignores the life-threatening emergencies facing millions across the country. It fails to … Continue Reading

December 20, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee: House Republicans are Holding the Government Hostage to Restrict Access to Abortion

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement amid reports that House Republicans are demanding a provision in the continuing resolution that would withhold critical cost-sharing reductions funding from health insurance plans that cover abortion services. "I am outraged, though not surprised, that House Republicans are bringing harmful, ideological policies into the year-end spending debate. It is clear that they are more than comfortable holding government … Continue Reading

December 19, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee: The GOP Tax Scam is Corrupt to Its Core

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement after House Republicans voted to advance a tax bill that steals from middle-income families to line the pockets of the wealthiest 1%: "House Republicans just passed the greatest tax scam in American history. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is not tax reform, it's a crooked scheme that steals from the hard-earned pay checks of low and middle income families just to line the pockets of millionaires, billionaires and wealthy … Continue Reading

December 18, 2017

Rep. Barbara Lee: President Trump is Alienating Our Allies and Emboldening Our Foes

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee issued the following statement on President Trump's National Security Strategy: "Actions speak louder than words. And over the past eleven months, President Trump's actions have alienated our allies, emboldened our foes, undermined our diplomatic efforts, and escalated our involvement in wars around the world. "In his speech today, President Trump signaled that he will continue to lead America down a dangerous path of increased isolationism and … Continue Reading

December 14, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Slams FCC’s Rollback of Net Neutrality Protections

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement following the Federal Communications Commission's vote to kill existing net neutrality protections: "Over the last several decades, the internet has been a tremendous force for innovation, activism and progress. It has provided a platform for groundbreaking ideas and social change. And it has spurred entrepreneurship and innovation in our economy. "Endangering this progress - in order to benefit corporate monopolies - … Continue Reading

December 12, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Statement on the Passing of San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement after the tragic passing of San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee: "Early this morning, I received the heartbreaking news of the passing of my friend and brother, Mayor Ed Lee. Ed was an unshakable champion for social justice, a man who lived his life with courage and deeply rooted conviction. Even before he was Mayor, Ed was a champion for the people of San Francisco. As a community organizer and a civil rights attorney, Ed … Continue Reading

December 11, 2017

Congresswoman Lee Applauds Pentagon’s Announcement of Financial Audit

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee, the sponsor of H.R. 3079, the Audit the Pentagon Act, released the following statement in response to the Pentagon's announcement that they would conduct their first-ever financial audit, beginning in 2018: "The long overdue announcement by the Pentagon that they will undertake a financial audit is an important step towards transparency. For years, I have introduced the bipartisan Audit the Pentagon Act to end the culture of waste, fraud and … Continue Reading

December 08, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Leads Bipartisan Letter Urging House Leadership to Provide Emergency Assistance to Hurricane Devastated Caribbean Countries

Washington, D.C. - Today Congresswoman Barbara lee led a bipartisan letter to Speaker Ryan and Leader Pelosi urging them to provide robust supplemental funding for hurricane devastated Caribbean countries. "This year hurricanes Harvey, Jose, Irma and Maria tore through the Florida Peninsula and the Texas coastline, leaving millions of Americans without food, shelter or electricity," said Congresswoman Barbara Lee. "Sadly, Caribbean countries which have been utterly decimated by these … Continue Reading

December 02, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee: Senate Republicans Just Betrayed the American People

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement after Senate Republicans passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: "Today Senate Republicans passed a tax scam that will make it harder for working people to get ahead. Let me be clear: this terrible bill was written to line the pockets of millionaires, billionaires and special interests. President Trump and Republicans in Congress have traveled the country pretending that this bill will benefit the middle class. … Continue Reading

December 01, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Commemorates Ghost Ship Fire Anniversary

Oakland, CA - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Ghost Ship Fire: "As we mark the one year anniversary of the tragic Ghost Ship Fire, my thoughts and prayers remain with the survivors and the families of the victims who are still healing from this horrific tragedy. "The Ghost Ship Fire was an unimaginable disaster that claimed 36 innocent lives, leaving a painful scar in our community. Yet in the face of this horrendous … Continue Reading

December 01, 2017

CBC Reacts to New Report on Diversity in Tech

Washington, D.C. - The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) - led by Chairman Cedric L. Richmond (D-LA), and Representatives Barbara Lee (D-CA), G. K. Butterfield (D-NC), and Bobby Scott (D-VA) - today issued the following statements after the release of a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, entitled "Diversity in the Technology Sector: Federal Agencies Could Improve Oversight of Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements." In the report, GAO found that "no growth occurred for female … Continue Reading

December 01, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Observes World AIDS Day, Calls for Renewed Commitment to Ending HIV/AIDS Pandemic

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee, co-founder and co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus, released the following statement marking December 1st as World AIDS Day and recommitted to addressing the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. "Throughout my time in Congress, I have worked to end the AIDS pandemic and ensure that every person around the world has access to lifesaving education and medical care. Over the past few decades, we have made tremendous strides in addressing … Continue Reading

November 29, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Announces $1.2 Million HRSA Grant to LifeLong Medical Care

Oakland, CA - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee announced that LifeLong Medical Care will receive a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) totaling $1,294,282. "I'm pleased that LifeLong Medical Care will receive this critical federal funding to continue providing high quality care to East Bay residents," said Congresswoman Barbara Lee. "Health centers, like LifeLong, overcome numerous socio-economical barriers to increase access and improve the health of those most … Continue Reading

November 21, 2017

Congresswoman Lee: Ending TPS for Haitians is Morally Reprehensible

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement in response to the Trump Administration's decision to end Temporary Protective Status (TPS) for over 50,000 Haitian nationals in the United States: "The Trump Administration's decision to end Temporary Protective Status for Haiti is morally reprehensible. This callous decision will put tens of thousands into harm's way and could derail Haiti's fragile recovery efforts. "Haiti suffered a devastating earthquake in … Continue Reading

November 17, 2017

Congresswoman Lee Responds to Health of Rev. Jesse Jackson

Oakland, CA - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement in response to the announcement of Rev. Jesse Jackson's Parkinson's disease diagnosis: "I have known Rev. Jackson for many years -- he is a fearless leader for civil rights, social justice, and a dear friend. I am deeply saddened to learn the news of his diagnosis but I am strengthened by his faith. Rev. Jackson is a fighter, and just as he has fought his entire life for equality and justice, I know he will put … Continue Reading

November 16, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee: GOP Tax Scam Kills American Jobs and Hurts American Families

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement after House Republicans passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: "House Republicans are trying to pull a fast one the American people. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is not tax reform, it is nothing more than a deceitful scam that raises taxes on the majority of Americans to give millionaires, billionaires and corporations a trillion dollar tax break. "Independent economic experts have weighed in - by eliminating student … Continue Reading

November 14, 2017

Congresswoman Lee Condemns FY2018 NDAA, Congressional Failure to Debate Wars

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement on the passage of the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act: "The National Defense Authorization Act should be a blueprint for drawing down our military conflicts and reining in bloated Pentagon spending. Instead, in the 2018 NDAA, Republican leadership has chosen to once again dodge any debate or vote on our perpetual wars and funnel billions more into the Pentagon's coffers. And I'm particularly outraged by the … Continue Reading

November 03, 2017

Congresswoman Lee Leads Bipartisan Letter To President Trump Reasserting Congressional Authority Over Military Operations in Niger

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee led a bipartisan letter to President Trump reasserting Congress's role in authorizing and overseeing military actions in the wake of the tragic ambush in Niger. The letter, which urges the Trump Administration to come to Congress ahead of any future military operations in Niger, was signed by 48 members of the House of Representatives. "We write to urge you to consult with and obtain authorization from Congress for any further combat … Continue Reading

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