Press Releases

October 13, 2016

Congresswoman Lee Leads Congressional Progressive Caucus Members in Calling for Greater Global Security by Advancing a No-First-Use Nuclear Policy

WASHINGTON, D.C. - More than twenty Members of Congress, led by the Congressional Progressive Caucus and CPC Peace and Security Task Force Chair, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), sent a letter to President Obama encouraging him to enhance global security by advancing a no-first-use nuclear policy. The letter notes that "shifting to a no-first-use policy is the right thing for today's 21st century security needs." "I'm proud to have led this letter because establishing a no-first-use policy … Continue Reading

October 07, 2016

Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s Statement on Hurricane Matthew’s Impact in the US & Haiti

Oakland, California - In the wake of Hurricane Matthew, Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement urging the global community to unite to provide humanitarian aid for Haiti: "My thoughts are with the people of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina impacted by the Hurricane Matthew. I want to thank the first responders and local officials who risked their lives to help their neighbors and communities. In the days to come, our local, state and national officials … Continue Reading

October 03, 2016

Congresswoman Lee Announces $1.875 Million to Create and Preserve 15 Law Enforcement Jobs

Oakland, CA - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee announced a $1.875 million award from the US Department of Justice's Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program for the City of Oakland. "I am pleased to announce this vital federal funding, which will support 15 community-oriented law enforcement officers in our neighborhoods," said Congresswoman Lee. "In light of local resource constraints and the challenge of building trust between law enforcement and communities, this federal grant … Continue Reading

September 24, 2016

Congresswoman Lee Welcomes Opening of Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture

Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement celebrating the opening of the new Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture: "Today's opening has been a long time coming. Nearly 100 years ago, in 1929, Congress passed legislation to establish this museum. Now, it has finally become a reality thanks to the tireless efforts of thousands, including dedicated leadership from Civil Rights champion, Congressman John Lewis, and the Congressional … Continue Reading

September 22, 2016

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Speaks Out: “Black Lives Matter”

Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee addressed the U.S. House of Representatives to demand action on the epidemic of police shootings of unarmed African Americans. "Since Michael Brown was shot in Ferguson two years ago, 2,195 people have been killed by police in our nation. As a mother of two black men and the grandmother of five black grandchildren, I worry that someone I love could become number 2,196," said Congresswoman Lee. "Each time we lose a precious life to fear, … Continue Reading

September 21, 2016

Computer Science for All Moves One Step Closer to Reality

Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee introduced the Computer Science for All Act to ensure that all students have access to the critical computer science skills that are necessary for success in the 21st century economy. The bill would authorize $250 million in new grants to advance computer science education for pre-K to 12th graders. "We have a responsibility to ensure that our students are prepared to out-compete and succeed in the jobs of today and tomorrow," said … Continue Reading

September 14, 2016

Congresswoman Lee to Participate in Forum on Issues Critical to the African American Community

Washington, DC - In conjunction with the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Congresswoman Barbara Lee will participate in four forums at the Foundation's Annual Legislative Conference. On Thursday, September 15th, she will participate in two forums. The first forum, "Fighting Poverty, Building Wealth: Advancing an Economic Justice Agenda for All," will begin at 11:00 AM. The second forum will begin at 2:00PM and is entitled: "Opportunities Through Engagement: Rebuilding U.S-Cuba Relations … Continue Reading

September 14, 2016

15 Years of Endless War – No End in Sight

Washington, DC - Three days after the horrific terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001, Congress considered a 60-word authorization for the use of military force (AUMF.) Following a brief debate, the House passed the measure 420-1. The only "no" vote came from Congresswoman Barbara Lee. Congresswoman Lee released this statement marking the 15th anniversary of her lone vote against this blank check for endless war: "I remember the fear and anger following the terrorist attacks on September … Continue Reading

September 12, 2016

South Sudan Caucus Co-Chairs Lee, Capuano & Rooney Release Statement Urging UN Security Council to Enact Arms Embargo

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), Congressman Michael Capuano (D-MA) and Congressman Tom Rooney (R-FL) released the following statement responding to news reports indicating that senior officials in the South Sudanese government coordinated fighting in Juba this past July: "We are deeply disturbed by the recent reports indicating that the violence in Juba was orchestrated by the highest levels of the South Sudanese government. Instead of fulfilling their responsibility to … Continue Reading

September 09, 2016

Congresswoman Lee Issues Statement Marking 15th Anniversary of 9/11

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement recognizing the 15th anniversary of September 11th, 2001: "Fifteen years ago, our nation endured horrific terrorist attacks that shattered our sense of security. In response to this unimaginable tragedy, the American people united. In that dark time, families, friends and neighbors reached out to help one another ,and the American spirit prevailed over fear. Today, we honor the thousands lost on that day and since … Continue Reading

September 08, 2016

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Wins 2016 House Democrats Online All-Star Competition

Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee accepted the overall 2016 MVP Award for the House Democrats' Online All-Star Competition. She also won the Best Infographic award, one of four subcategories. "In 2016, social media is an essential tool for communicating with constituents, whether I'm in the East Bay or Washington, DC, " said Congresswoman Barbara Lee. "As Members of Congress, it's our responsibility to be open, accessible and accountable to all constituents. Social media has … Continue Reading

September 05, 2016

Congresswoman Lee Marks Labor Day

Oakland, CA - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement marking the Labor Day holiday: "On Labor Day, we pause to celebrate the hard-working men and women who make up the backbone of our country. From building the world's largest and strongest economy to creating world-class, quality products, working people are the foundation of America's strength. Today, we honor them and pay tribute to the Labor Movement that has grown the middle class, expanded worker benefits, improve safety … Continue Reading

September 02, 2016

Congresswoman Lee Responds to August Jobs Report

Oakland, CA - Congresswoman Barbara Lee, chair of the Democratic Whip Task Force on Poverty, Income Inequality and Opportunity, released the following statement on the Department of Labor's August Jobs Report. The report shows that the economy added 151,000 jobs in August; since early 2010, the economy has added 15.1 million private sector jobs. "Today's jobs report shows that our economy continues to recover and create jobs under President Obama's leadership. With more than 15 million jobs … Continue Reading

August 28, 2016

Congresswoman Lee Celebrates the 53rd Anniversary of the March on Washington

Oakland, CA - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement marking the 53rd anniversary of the historic March on Washington: "Today, we celebrate the 53rd anniversary of the March on Washington, when thousands of Americans rallied together to demand jobs and freedom for African Americans. It was at this historic march that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have A Dream" speech that challenged our nation to address the systemic racism and economic oppression plaguing … Continue Reading

August 05, 2016

On Voting Rights Act Anniversary, Congresswoman Lee Demands Action to Protect Americans’ Voices at the Ballot Box

Oakland, CA - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement marking the 51st anniversary of the Voting Rights Act: "Fifty-one years ago, our nation came together to ensure that all Americans had an equal voice at the ballot box. Since then, the Voting Rights Act has been reauthorized by large bipartisan Congressional majorities and signed by Presidents from both parties, most recently in 2006. Sadly, it appears this bipartisan commitment to protect voting rights has ended. Following the … Continue Reading

August 05, 2016

Congresswoman Lee Responds to July Jobs Report

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement on the Department of Labor's July Jobs Report, which showed the economy created 255,000 jobs: "The promising July Jobs Report shows that our nation's economy continues to grow under President Obama's leadership. With 255,000 new jobs created last month and a 2.6 percent wage increase over last year, our economic recovery remains strong. As the economy grows, we must keep investing in job creation and ensure that … Continue Reading

August 01, 2016

Congresswoman Lee Releases Statement on U.S. Airstrikes in Libya

Oakland, CA - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement in response to the commencement of U.S. airstrikes in Libya: "I am deeply concerned about the expansion of U.S. airstrikes in Libya. The U.S. military continues to become more engaged in the Middle East, despite the lack of a Congressional debate or specific authorization. As our brave servicemen and women become increasingly involved in this war, Speaker Ryan and Congressional Republicans closed the House for a historically … Continue Reading

July 28, 2016

Congresswoman Lee Announces $6.3 Million DOT Grant Award for BART

Oakland, CA - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee announced a $6,321,668 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Transit Administration program for the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART). "I am pleased that BART has been selected to receive this vital federal funding," said Congresswoman Lee. "BART is a critical part of our public transit system and these funds will help ensure safe and green transit for its riders, in the East Bay and throughout the Bay … Continue Reading

July 20, 2016

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Announces $1.8M Federal Grant to Oakland’s Youth Radio

Oakland, CA - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee announced that Youth Radio (Oakland, CA), will receive a $1,845,000 million grant award from the National Science Foundation to expand Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education through multimedia journalism and related app development. "Youth Radio is a gem in our community and a global leader in innovative science journalism. I am pleased that they have been selected to receive this competitive funding from the National Science … Continue Reading

July 20, 2016

Members of Congress Call for Greater U.S.-Cuba Health Cooperation to Improve Health of American Families

Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Congresswoman Karen Bass led their colleagues in a letter requesting executive action to enhance health cooperation between the U.S. and Cuba. The letter reads: "Physicians and their patients are frustrated that such potentially lifesaving treatments are entangled in the politics of the embargo debate and accompanying bureaucracy. This results in a highly complex dual-license approval process that places the Department of the Treasury, … Continue Reading

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