Press Releases

July 30, 2015

Congresswoman Lee’s Statement on Trip to Kenya and Ethiopia with the President

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Lee released the following statement after returning from a six day trip to Kenya and Ethiopia with President Obama and Congressional colleagues: “I was honored to join President Obama on this historic trip to Africa, which marked the first time a sitting U.S. President has visited Ethiopia or the African Union. This visit was pivotal in strengthening economic and diplomatic partnerships in the region and building upon the progress of the 2014 African Leaders … Continue Reading

July 23, 2015

Congresswoman Lee Celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the East Bay’s Leadership in the Disabilities Rights Movement

Oakland, CA - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA was signed into law on July 26th, 1990: “For 25 years, the Americans with Disabilities Act has helped move our nation closer to equality for all. This landmark legislation opened the doors of opportunity for all Americans to live the American dream. I am proud to represent the East Bay in Congress, a community that has … Continue Reading

July 23, 2015

Congresswoman Lee Supports Introduction of Comprehensive LGBT Rights Legislation Calling It: “An Important Next Step Toward Full Equality for All”

Washington D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee joined a bicameral coalition in introducing The Equality Act, historic legislation that would provide protections from discrimination for members of the LGBT community. Congresswoman Lee, a founding member and current vice chair of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus, released this statement: “I am proud to join my colleagues in introducing the Equality Act. This important legislation would provide broad protections for members of the … Continue Reading

July 20, 2015

Congresswoman Lee Hails Opening of U.S. Embassy in Havana & Cuban Embassy in Washington D.C.

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee attended the opening of the Cuban Embassy in Washington, D.C. Congresswoman Lee has been working on U.S.-Cuba policy since 1977 and has traveled to Cuba more than 20 times, leading several Congressional delegations to the island. She released this statement: “The opening of embassies in Washington D.C. and Havana mark a new chapter in relations between the U.S. and Cuba. Diplomats will now be able to regularly engage with their … Continue Reading

July 14, 2015

Congresswoman Lee Introduces Bill to Expand Solar Access to Low-Income Families

Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee introduced the Low Income Solar Act (LISA), H.R. 3041, along with Congressmen Tony Cárdenas (D-CA) and Keith Ellison (D-MN). The Senate companion bill, S. 1713, was introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). "I am proud to be introducing the Low-Income Solar Act of 2015 with Congressmen Cárdenas and Ellison. This legislation will empower low-income Americans to live more sustainably and save money by installing solar panels on their … Continue Reading

July 13, 2015

Congresswoman Lee Applauds Historic Deal with Iran

Washington, DC - Today, following the announcement of a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) regarding Iran’s nuclear program, Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement: “Today’s announced deal with Iran, if fully implemented, will prevent an Iranian nuclear weapon while ensuring greater stability in the Middle East. This JCPOA is an important victory for diplomacy, America’s leadership abroad and a safer, more secure world. I applaud President Obama, Secretary Kerry and … Continue Reading

July 13, 2015

Warren, Baldwin, Quigley, Lee Push FDA to Adopt Fully Risk, Science-Based Blood Donation Policy

FDA's Proposed One Year Deferral Policy Remains Discriminatory toward Gay and Bisexual Men Full text of the letter is available here. Washington D.C. - Today, United States Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Representatives Mike Quigley (D-IL) and Barbara Lee (D-CA), and 79 of their congressional colleagues sent a letter to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in response to the agency's draft guidance document, which, if finalized, would change the blood … Continue Reading

July 08, 2015

Congresswoman Lee Introduces Groundbreaking Women’s Health Bill

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky and Congresswoman Diana DeGette, led a group of 70 Democrats in introducing the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance Act or the EACH Woman Act. The bill would ensure health coverage of abortion for every woman regardless of her income, how she is insured or where she lives. In essence the bill would end the harmful Hyde Amendment policies that restrict a woman’s ability to make the best … Continue Reading

July 07, 2015

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Releases Statement on White House Initiative to Increase Solar Access for All Americans

Oakland, CA - Following the Administration’s announcement of a new initiative to increase solar access to all Americans, Congresswoman Lee released this statement: “Last week’s announcement to increase solar access for all Americans is a bold step in the right direction toward a more sustainable America. This initiative will help decrease energy bills while creating good-paying jobs and investing in our sustainable energy future. By increasing access to solar energy, we expand economic … Continue Reading

July 02, 2015

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Releases Statement on June Jobs Report

Oakland, CA - Today, the Department of Labor announced that the unemployment rate fell to 5.3 percent and that June 2015 marked the 64th consecutive month of private sector job growth. Upon this news, Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement: “Today’s job’s report is a positive sign that our economy continues to recover. Businesses are continuing to hire and create jobs. However, today’s report also shows that the economic recovery is still not reaching all Americans. While I … Continue Reading

July 01, 2015

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Applauds Opening of U.S. Embassy in Havana

Oakland, CA - Today, following President Barack Obama’s announcement of the reciprocal opening of embassies in Havana and Washington D.C., Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement: “The opening of a U.S. embassy in Havana and the opening of a Cuban embassy in Washington D.C. is another important step forward as we work to normalize relations after more than 50 years of failed policy. By taking this action, our President continues to lead by example as we strive to build a more … Continue Reading

June 28, 2015

Lee, Thompson Express Concerns Over the Impact of Thunder Road Closure on Bay Area Youth

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Reps. Barbara Lee (CA-13) and Mike Thompson (CA-5) lead a letter to Sutter Health expressing their concerns over the impact of the potential closure of the Thunder Road Adolescent Treatment Center in Oakland, California. The letter was cosigned by 18 Members of Congress from Northern California Thunder Road, which is owned and operated by Sutter Health, provides assistance to youth and families who are recovering from alcohol, drug and nicotine addictions. “For … Continue Reading

June 27, 2015

Congresswoman Lee and Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus Marks the 20th Anniversary of National HIV/AIDS Testing Day

Washington, DC - Since 1995, June 27th has marked National HIV/AIDS Testing Day. This year’s theme is: Take the Test. Take Control. “Each year, I proudly participate in National HIV/AIDS Testing Day - I take the test and I take control. As we mark the 20th anniversary of National HIV/AIDS Testing Day, I hope that all Americans will take this opportunity to get tested and take control of their health,” said Congresswoman Lee (D-CA), co-chair and co-founder of the bipartisan Congressional … Continue Reading

June 26, 2015

Congresswoman Lee Receives Rev. Edwin T. Dahlberg Peace and Justice Award, the American Baptist Churches USA’s Highest Recognition

Overland Park, KS - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee received the Rev. Edwin T. Dahlberg Peace and Justice Award, the American Baptist Churches USA’s highest recognition. “I thank American Baptist Churches USA for this tremendous honor and for welcoming me to their Biennial Mission Summit. Their dedication to advancing social justice and peace in their communities, in our nation and around the world is truly a testament to their faith and dedication to improving the lives of the most … Continue Reading

June 25, 2015

Congresswoman Lee Celebrates Marriage Equality Decision

Washington, DC - Following the Supreme Court’s decision upholding that love is love, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, a vice chair and founding member of the LGBT Equality Caucus, released this statement: “Today, the Supreme Court affirmed that love is love and ensured marriage equality for all families. Now, each person will have the ability to marry and build a life with the person who they love, regardless of where they live. Tragically, generations of LGBT Americans have been forced to … Continue Reading

June 24, 2015

Congresswoman Lee Says Today’s Supreme Court Decision is a “Victory for Commonsense”

Washington, DC - Following today’s Supreme Court decision in the King v. Burwell case, Congresswoman Lee released this statement: “Today, the Supreme Court once again upheld the Affordable Care Act and preserved subsidies to help millions of Americans afford healthcare. Today’s decision is a victory for the millions of American families who rely upon affordable healthcare every day. Despite repeated court decisions in favor of the law and strong support from the American people, the … Continue Reading

June 22, 2015

Congresswoman Lee Joins CBC Forum on Economic Challenges Facing the African American Community in Baltimore

Baltimore, MD - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee joined the Congressional Black Caucus and the Democrats of the Joint Economic Committee for a public forum entitled “The American Dream on Hold: Economic Challenges in the African American Community.” “Despite the ongoing economic recovery, too many African American families are being left behind. It is clear that serious policy changes are needed to ensure that the opportunity to live the American dream is open to all, not just a select … Continue Reading

June 18, 2015

Congresswoman Lee Marks 150th Observance of Juneteenth and Calls on Nation to Recommit to Fight for True Equality

Oakland, CA - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement on the 150th observance of Juneteenth: "Today, we remember this day in 1865 when enslaved people in America learned that they were finally free. More than two years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, news of the Proclamation and the end of the Civil War finally reached Galveston, Texas and slavery was abolished in Texas. All African Americans? in the United States could proclaim their … Continue Reading

June 18, 2015

Congresswoman Lee Celebrates Warriors’ NBA Championship

Oakland, CA - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee joined the Bay Area in celebrating the NBA Championship victory of the Golden State Warriors and the return of the O’Brien trophy to Oakland. She participated in today’s parade and released the following statement: “This morning, I am excited to join the entire Bay Area in celebrating the tremendous victory of our hometown Golden State Warriors in the NBA finals. Under the guidance of Head Coach Steve Kerr and leadership of NBA MVP Stephen … Continue Reading

June 18, 2015

Congresswoman Lee Responds to Emanuel AME Church Tragedy

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement following the tragedy at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC: “Last night, an unspeakable act of violence claimed the lives of nine people as they came together to worship in peace. My thoughts are with the victims, their families, the congregation and the entire Charleston community as they cope with this loss. This shooting was a senseless act of hate and it has no place in our … Continue Reading

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