Press Releases

September 29, 2014

Congresswoman Barbara Lee & Congressman George Miller Announce Innovative Solutions to Fighting Crime in the East Bay

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Efforts in the East Bay to reduce high crime rates are getting a boost from a new federal initiative being unveiled today in Washington, announced Reps. George Miller (D-Martinez) and Barbara Lee (D-Oakland), whose constituents in Richmond and Oakland are expected to benefit from the new program. Aimed at maximizing current resources, the U.S. Department of Justice is launching a new Violence Reduction Network (VRN) to enhance federal-local anti-crime partnerships. … Continue Reading

September 24, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Announces $3.375 Million to Create and Preserve 27 Law Enforcement Jobs

Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee announced $3.375 million in awards from the US Department of Justice’s Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program. Attorney General Holder will formally announce the grants on Monday. Oakland, San Leandro and Alameda County will each receive grants to create and preserve law enforcement officers to increase community policing capacity. “I am pleased to announce this new federal funding for 27 community-orientated law enforcement … Continue Reading

September 23, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Releases Statement on U.S. Airstrikes in Syria

Oakland, CA - In response to the airstrikes last night in Syria, Congresswoman Lee released this statement: "I am gravely concerned about the expansion of U.S. airstrikes into Syria and continuation of airstrikes in Iraq. It is clear we are rapidly becoming more involved in another war in the Middle East. President Obama has put together a strong international and regional coalition to address the ISIS threat. We must now leverage this regional coalition to achieve the political … Continue Reading

September 23, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Receives Nurses Champion for Peace and Justice Award from California Nurses Association

Oakland, CA - Congresswoman Lee issued the following statement upon receiving the Nurses Champion for Peace and Justice Award from the California Nurses Association: “I am deeply honored to receive the Nurses Champion of Peace and Justice Award from the California Nurses Association, which has its headquarters in Oakland. Since its founding in 1903, the California Nurses Association has been a tireless champion for the patients and nursing professionals. In just the past 15 years, CNA … Continue Reading

September 19, 2014

La Congresista Barbara Lee Conmemora el Mes de la Herencia Hispana - Congresswoman Barbara Lee Commemorates Hispanic Heritage Month

La congresista Lee emitió la siguiente declaración celebrando el Mes de la Herencia Hispana: “Cada año, celebramos el Mes de la Herencia Hispana a fin de honrar las innumerables contribuciones que da la comunidad hispana a nuestra gran nación. Desde las iniciativas empresariales y las artes hasta la política y la educación, los hispanos forman una parte fundamental y dinámica de nuestra nación. Mi niñez fue enriquecida por la cultura de la comunidad hispana en mi ciudad natal de El Paso, … Continue Reading

September 19, 2014

“Instead of blaming the millions of people who are struggling to find work, we should be redoubling our efforts in Congress to create jobs”

Oakland, CA - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement in response to Speaker Boehner’s remarks at the American Enterprise Institute: “This idea that has been born, maybe out of the economy over the last couple years, that you know, I really don't have to work. I don't really want to do this. I think I'd rather just sit around. This is a very sick idea for our country." “Speaker Boehner’s comments continue the line of attacks on the unemployed. I reject the idea that the … Continue Reading

September 18, 2014

Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus Marks National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day

Washington, DC - The co-chairs of the Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus issued these statements marking National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day: “Awareness days are critical to increasing the public conversation about HIV/AIDS and empowering Americans to take their health into their own hands,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA). “Tragically, the most recent Center for Diseases Control reporting on HIV infection in older Americans showed some increases in HIV infection. It is clear that … Continue Reading

September 16, 2014

Congress Must Act to Help More Than 45 Million Americans Still Struggling

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement in response to newly reported U.S. poverty rates from the U.S. Census Bureau. “It is encouraging to see the U.S. poverty rate slightly decline for the first time since 2006, from 15 percent to 14.5 percent. However, the fact remains that too many Americans are still struggling; more than 45 million Americans are still living in poverty. Tragically, the poverty rate for African Americans has not declined from a … Continue Reading

September 16, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Speaks on House Floor against another War in the Middle East

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee recently spoke on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives against arming Syrian rebel groups. “I am totally disappointed that the debate on something that could have such broad implications on the United States’ national security and the region is being included as an amendment to the Continuing Resolution (CR). I am reminded of the failure to have a thorough and robust debate in the wake of 9/11 and the resulting overly broad … Continue Reading

September 16, 2014

Congresswoman Lee & Congressman Honda Introduce Legislation to Promote Hiring Veterans for Green Jobs

Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Congressman Mike Honda introduced the INVEST (Incentives for our Nation’s Veterans in Energy Sustainability Technologies) Act. The legislation would provide a tax credit to renewable energy sector companies that hire veterans. “As a nation we should INVEST in our veterans and our sustainable energy future - it’s a win-win. Our veterans leave the armed forces with advanced technology expertise. We should reward those companies that hire … Continue Reading

September 12, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Marks 20th Anniversary of Violence Against Women’s Act

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee issued the following statement marking the 20th anniversary of the Violence Against Women’s Act, which was signed into law this week in 1994 by President Bill Clinton. “In the twenty years since the Violence Against Women’s Act (VAWA) became law, we have seen the culture and attitudes surrounding domestic violence change. Violence and abuse have no place in our society. As a social worker, I have seen firsthand the critical services provided for … Continue Reading

September 10, 2014

Congresswoman Lee's Statement on President Obama's Strategy to Undermine ISIS

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Lee released this statement following President Obama’s address to the nation regarding the Administration’s strategy to combat ISIS: “Today, the President laid out his comprehensive strategy to “degrade and ultimately destroy” ISIS and his case for the expansion of military action in Iraq and Syria. The Constitution requires Congress to vote on the use of military force. This is not about this President. This is about any President and any Congress. We … Continue Reading

September 05, 2014

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Calls for Greater Action to Address Unemployment

Oakland, CA - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement today after the Department of Labor announced that the economy added 142,000 jobs and the unemployment rate dropped to 6.1 percent. With businesses adding 134,000 jobs, this marks the 54th consecutive month of private sector job growth. “I am pleased to see further private sector job growth for the 54th consecutive month, and a drop in unemployment. Over the last year, our economy has added 1.3 million American jobs … Continue Reading

September 04, 2014

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Stands with Low-Wage Workers in the East Bay and Across the Country

Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement today in support of low-wage fast food workers who participated in a nationwide strike for job protections and fair wages: “I applaud the action taken by thousands of workers around the country that are standing up for a living wage and the right to unionize. No one working full-time should live in poverty or have to work two jobs to make ends meet. To re-build our economy and expand the middle class, we need to empower … Continue Reading

September 04, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Hosts Bay Area Commerce and Trade Delegation Forum

Oakland, CA - Today, Congresswoman Lee joined by Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson hosted a Bay Area Commerce and Trade Delegation forum. The forum was designed to create jobs and economic growth in the East Bay by connecting businesses with opportunities in Africa Congresswoman Lee organized presentations from the Corporate Council on Africa, Minority Business Development Agency, Oakland Export Assistance Center, Power Africa and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). … Continue Reading

September 01, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Marks Labor Day

Oakland, CA - Congresswoman Lee offered the following statement marking the Labor Day holiday: "Today, American workers are the most productive labor force in world history. Yet despite phenomenal advances in manufacturing, technology and efficiency, wages have remained stagnant. In many communities, discrimination and institutional barriers have kept many workers from fully realizing the American Dream. Women and communities of color still face significant hurdles. Today, … Continue Reading

August 28, 2014

Bipartisan Coalition Calls for Authorization Vote Regarding Iraq

Washington, DC - Yesterday, Congressman Walter Jones, Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Congressman Jim McGovern sent a letter to Speaker Boehner calling for debate and vote on an authorization for the use of military force in Iraq when the House returns on September 8th. “It is imperative that Congress uphold its constitutional duty to authorize the use of our military. My colleagues and I urge Speaker Boehner to call a debate and a vote on an authorization to expand military force in Iraq so … Continue Reading

August 26, 2014

What Happens After Ferguson?

Celebrities, pols, business, faith, and nonprofit leaders say the President and DOJ must adopt community-centered policing strategies and end police militarization August 25, 2014, New York, NY - In an open letter, leaders from academia, business, the arts, labor, faith communities, and other local and national leaders are urging President Obama and the U.S. Department of Justice to take immediate action to address the issues impeding relations between police and communities, especially … Continue Reading

August 26, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Sends Letter to President Obama Calling for Executive Action on Poverty

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA13), chair of the Democratic Whip Task Force on Poverty, Income Inequality, Opportunity, and 29 other Members of Congress sent a letter to President Obama applauding the administration’s efforts to address economic inequality and providing the administration with “a series of strategic agency directives, in the absence of coordinated legislative action by Congress to address poverty in America.” “House Republicans continue to block … Continue Reading

August 21, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Responds to Uganda’s HIV Discrimination Law

Oakland, CA - Congresswoman Barbara Lee, co-chair of the Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus and member of the Appropriations Committee’s subcommittee of State and Foreign Operations, released the following statement concerning Uganda’s new HIV discrimination law: “Having HIV is not a crime. I am gravely concerned by Uganda’s new HIV discrimination law, which criminalizes the transmission of HIV while promoting stigma and encouraging the breach of confidentiality between patients and medical … Continue Reading

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