Press Releases

March 22, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Statement on Acceleration of U.S. Military Involvement in Libya

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661 "There is a serious humanitarian crisis in Libya, and Gaddafi's reckless, indiscriminate use of force on his own people in response to grassroots calls for change is unacceptable. But U.S. military intervention in Libya has the potential to exacerbate the significant humanitarian crisis in Libya and heighten instability in the region without a clear plan for peace. "The decision for the United States to accelerate our military … Continue Reading

March 16, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Bipartisan Group of House Members Call on President Obama to Meaningfully Fulfill Promise of Military Drawdown in Afghanistan

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225-2661 Washington, DC - Today, Representative Barbara Lee led a bipartisan group of 80 Members of Congress in sending a letter to President Obama calling for a significant and sizeable reduction in U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan beginning no later than July of this year. Below is a statement from Representative Lee: "Our service men and women have performed with incredible courage and commitment in Afghanistan. But they have been put in an … Continue Reading

March 15, 2011

Barbara Lee Statement on 40th Anniversary of the Congressional Black Caucus

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661 Washington, DC - Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement to commemorate the 40thanniversary of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC): "This month marks the 40thanniversary of the founding of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). As a proud member and immediate past chair of the CBC, I salute the bold and principled leadership of our members as we work for a more perfect union. "The CBC continues to lead in the … Continue Reading

March 15, 2011

Rep. Lee & Sen. Lautenberg Introduce Legislation to Halt Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Education

Media Contacts: Joel Payne, Lee, (202) 225-2661, Lautenberg Press Office (202) 224-3224 Resources Would Be Redirected to Comprehensive Sex Education Washington, D.C.- Today, Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA-9) and Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) introduced legislation to cut off federal funding for ineffective, abstinence-only-until-marriage education programs. Despite spending more than $1.5 billion in federal funds for abstinence-only education over the last 15 years, the United … Continue Reading

March 11, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Annnounces Introduction of Bill to Promote Buffalo Soldier, Colonel Charles Young Posthumously

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661 Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) announced the introduction of a bill calling for the honorary promotion of Colonel Charles Young to the grade of Brigadier General. Colonel Young was born to former slaves in 1864, and in 1998 became the third African-American cadet to graduate from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He had combat commands during the Philippine Insurrection and General Pershing's Punitive … Continue Reading

March 11, 2011

INFORMATION ALERT: Earthquake in Japan

EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE TO CONSTITUENTS IN JAPAN An 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck off the northeast coast of Japan on Friday, shaking office buildings in Tokyo and setting off a devastating tsunami that swept away cars and boats. Tokyo airports (Narita and Haneda) are currently closed and possibly damaged. Trains and subways are down in the Tokyo metropolitan region, and train service may be sporadic throughout the rest of the country. Okinawa and Sapporo report no damage from the … Continue Reading

March 11, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Statement on Earthquake in Japan and Tsunami Warnings in California and the Pacific Coast

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661 "My thoughts and prayers are with the Japanese people in the aftermath of this morning's earthquake. We do not yet know the full extent of the damage and casualties caused by this disaster, but the images from Japan this morning have been heartbreaking. "We also must be vigilant about the possibility of aftershocks and tsunami waves extending from Japan all the way to my home state of California and the Pacific Coast of the United … Continue Reading

March 09, 2011

Representatives Lee and Scott, In Letter, Request Meeting with Boehner, Cantor, Camp to Discuss Bill to Give Emergency Benefits to Long-Term Unemployed Workers

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661 Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Congressman Bobby Scott (D-VA) sent a letter to Speaker John Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp requesting a meeting to discuss H.R. 589, a bill to extend emergency benefits to long-term unemployed workers. Representatives Lee and Scott introduced the legislation last month, and they want to meet with House Republican … Continue Reading

March 08, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Statement on International Women's Day

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661 "I am proud to commemorate International Women's Day, and acknowledge the progress and achievements of women around the globe, as well as ongoing efforts to ensure a future of opportunity and prosperity for all. "Unfortunately, on this 100th occasion of International Women's Day, the Republican House leadership is in the midst of a war on women that would drastically cut assistance to meet the basic human needs and educational aspirations of … Continue Reading

March 04, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduces Legislation to Help People Living with Multiple Sclerosis

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661 Washington, DC - Yesterday, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) introduced two pieces of legislation to highlight the issue of multiple sclerosis, calling for more funding and attention for this chronic, disabling disease. The first piece of legislation is a resolution designed to support the goals and ideals of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week. Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week is celebrated this year from March 14ththrough March 20th. Next week … Continue Reading

March 02, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Urges Secretary Clinton to Enforce Human Rights Laws of Merida Initiative

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661 Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) joined Congressman Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) and 22 other members of the House of Representatives in sending a letter to Secretary Clinton urging the Administration to give priority to the human rights requirements of the Mérida Initiative in its dialogue with Mexico. The letter comes in the lead up to Mexican President Felipe Calderón's visit to Washington, DC, where … Continue Reading

March 02, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Statement on Women's History Month

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661 "Women's History Month provides an opportunity to reflect on the generations of extraordinary women trailblazers who came before us. These heroines fought for equal pay in the workplace, voting rights, the right to raise a family while maintaining a career, women's reproductive rights and so much more. I am eternally grateful for the courage of these women who sacrificed so much to make the dreams of future generations of women more … Continue Reading

March 01, 2011

Congresswoman Barbara Lee: The United States Must Stand with the Libyan People; Gaddafi Should Step Down Immediately

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661 Washington, DC- Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement following a meeting earlier today that she attended with former Libyan ambassador to the United States, Ali Aujali. Ambassador Aujani stepped down from his position last month in opposition to the Gaddafi regime. Representative Lee joined five of her House colleagues for today's meeting: "All of us watched with horror over the past several weeks as we … Continue Reading

February 22, 2011

INFORMATION ALERT: Situation in Libya

If you have family, friends, or acquaintances in Libya, or for more information on the situation on the ground, please visit the following State Department webpage: Main Information Page: U.S.citizens outside of Libya are urged to defer all travel to Libya. U.S. citizens in Libya should minimize overall travel in-country, exercise extreme caution when traveling, and limit all travel after dark. U.S. citizens not departing Libya … Continue Reading

February 19, 2011

Barbara Lee: Republican Budget Plan Full of Reckless Spending Cuts That Hurt Everyone

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661 Washington, DC- Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement today following House passage of the Continuing Resolution on the Budget: "Our nation's budget should reflect our priorities and serve as a blueprint for how we build our communities. That's why I voted against the Republican budget proposal that calls for reckless cuts to a number of critical programs and services. At a time when Congress should be working … Continue Reading

February 18, 2011

Barbara Lee: Republicans Continue Their "War on Women" By Stripping Critical Funding for Women's Health Services

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661 Washington, DC - Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement today following passage of the Pence Amendment to the Continuing Resolution on the Budget: "The passage of the Pence amendment would deny critical health care funding for millions of women across the country. By denying funding for Planned Parenthood, Republicans will make it harder for women to get a range of essential health care services like … Continue Reading

February 17, 2011

Barbara Lee: Audit the Defense Department to Prevent Waste, Fraud and Abuse

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661 Washington, DC- Today, Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) offered an amendment to the Continuing Resolution on the Budget to freeze Department of Defense programs at Fiscal Year 2010 levels unless its financial statements are validated as ready for audit within six months. Below is a statement from Representative Lee on the importance of this issue: "Nearly sixty cents of every federal discretionary dollar now goes toward defense spending, … Continue Reading

February 17, 2011

Representative Barbara Lee Introduces Bipartisan Legislation That Would Swiftly End U.S. War in Afghanistan

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661 Washington, D.C. - Earlier today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) introduced bipartisan legislation to responsibly end combat operations in Afghanistan and limit funding for the safe and orderly withdrawal of U.S. troops and military contractors from Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan is now in its tenth year and costs more than $100 billion per year. It is already the longest war in our nation's history, longer than Vietnam and World War II. … Continue Reading

February 14, 2011

Representative Barbara Lee Statement on the President's Budget and the Republican Proposal to Slash Critical Investments in Job Creation, Job Training, and Education

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661 Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement this morning regarding the President's budget proposal and the Republican plan to cut billions in critical investments for education, job creation, and job training: "Budget decisions by Congress and the President should prioritize the most vulnerable communities who are struggling to make ends meets in this difficult economy - not the wealthy and the … Continue Reading

February 11, 2011

Barbara Lee Statement on the Resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak

Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225- 2661 "The resignation of President Mubarak is a historic moment for Egypt and its citizens. Today, we stand with the Egyptian people in looking toward a new future- a future that must meet their democratic aspirations in a fair and transparent manner. "It is critical that the transitional Egyptian government and the Egyptian people find a peaceful path forward for stable and accountable self-governance to emerge from this extraordinary moment of … Continue Reading

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