Press Releases

April 27, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s Statement on Berkeley Protests

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Lee released the following statement on today's protests in Berkeley: "UC Berkeley has a storied history of dissent and, as an alumna myself, I am proud of the university's long-standing commitment to providing a forum for free speech. While I stand in firm opposition to the hateful ideology that fuels extremists like Ann Coulter, we must ensure that all parties can peacefully and safely exercise their First Amendment rights. "We cannot allow outside … Continue Reading

April 26, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Concludes Productive CODEL to East Asia

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee returned this week from a congressional delegation to South Korea and Japan. The CODEL focused on critical issues facing U.S. and international security in the region, including nuclear threats posed by North Korea in the Korean Peninsula. "Last week, I met with national security leaders in South Korea and Japan and received firsthand briefings about U.S. policy in the Korean Peninsula. My time in the region reinforced my concerns about the potential … Continue Reading

April 14, 2017

Rep. Lee, Members Demand Immediate Removal of Steve Bannon from White House Staff

Washington, DC - Following the removal of Steve Bannon from the National Security Council, Members of Congress led by Congresswoman Barbara Lee called for the immediate removal of Steve Bannon, a white supremacist, from the White House staff. "Steve Bannon is a radical right wing extremist, whose embrace of white supremacist ideology presents a direct threat to our national security. As the chief architect of the Muslim Ban and a persistent advocate of President Trump's border wall, his … Continue Reading

April 13, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee: MOAB Strike Marks New Front in Afghanistan War

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement on the US bombing in Afghanistan: "Today's unprecedented use of a MOAB, which is considered the 'Mother of All Bombs,' marks a new front in the almost 16 year war in Afghanistan. President Trump owes the American people an explanation about his escalation of military force in Afghanistan and his long-term strategy to defeat ISIS. "No president should have a blank check for endless war, especially not this president, … Continue Reading

April 10, 2017

Rep. Lee Introduces Resolution Recognizing National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Washington, D.C. - HIV Caucus Co-Chair Congresswoman Barbara Lee reintroduced H. Res. 262 to support the goals and ideals of National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day: "Over 80% of youth fear the stigma of HIV and fewer than half of American high schools offer comprehensive sex and HIV prevention education. This is unacceptable," said Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13). "We must empower our youth to get tested and fight HIV/AIDS. Providing comprehensive sex education is critical to uplifting … Continue Reading

April 07, 2017

Rep. Lee’s Statement on Military Strikes Against the Syrian Government

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee's released the following statement on last night's military strikes against the Syrian government: "The US strikes in Syria last night, conducted without Congressional authorization, represent a dangerous military escalation into the Syrian civil war and are without legal justification. The use of chemical weapons against innocent civilians is barbaric and there is no question that Bashar Al-Assad must be held accountable for his heinous actions. I … Continue Reading

April 07, 2017

Rep. Barbara Lee: Gorsuch’s Confirmation “A Sad Day” for the Country

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement on the confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court: "Today is a sad day for the United States Senate and the nation. Senate Republicans betrayed their oath to the constitution last year when they refused to grant Judge Merrick Garland a hearing. It's outrageous that their decision to hijack the judicial branch will now be rewarded with the confirmation of extreme conservative Judge Neil Gorsuch. No one … Continue Reading

April 06, 2017

Congresswoman Lee Calls for Federal Dollars to Quiet Airplane Noise

Washington, DC - This week, Congresswoman Barbara Lee, a member of The Quiet Skies Caucus, joined a letter to the House Appropriations Committee's Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development requesting federal dollars to reduce the impact of airplane noise in the FY 18 Transportation Spending Bill. "Airport noise has been a huge concern for many of my constituents as it negatively impacts the quality of life in our communities. We must invest vital federal dollars to find … Continue Reading

April 06, 2017

Rep. Barbara Lee: Congress Should Not Be On Recess As Trump Plans War

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement after the Pentagon confirmed that the Trump Administration is developing options for a military strike in response to the Syrian governments chemical weapons attack on Syrian civilians: "I am outraged by the barbaric and heinous war crimes committed by the Assad regime and abetted by Putin and Russia. The United Nations must take immediate action in response to Assad's continued use of chemical weapons against … Continue Reading

April 05, 2017

Rep. Barbara Lee: Steve Bannon’s Sick Ideology Infects the White House

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement on Steve Bannon's removal from the National Security Council: "The elevation of white supremacists to privileged positions in the White House reveals all you need to know about this presidency. While I am relieved that Steve Bannon's sick ideology will no longer infect the National Security Council, his continued presence in this administration is alarming to millions of Americans. I urge President Trump to show … Continue Reading

April 04, 2017

Rep. Barbara Lee Statement on Equal Pay Day

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement marking April 4th as Equal Pay Day: "Today is Equal Pay Day - the date, 94 days into 2017, when women's wages finally catch up to what men were paid in the previous year. Despite the fact that women make up almost half the workforce, the average woman earns only 80 cents for every dollar paid to men. "Sadly, this wage discrimination is even more pronounced for women of color. African American women are paid only 63 … Continue Reading

April 04, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee: Jeff Sessions Has No Regard for Civil Rights

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the follow by statement regarding Attorney General Jeff Sessions decision to review Obama era police reforms: "Yesterday, the Department of Justice proved what we have known all along: Attorney General Jeff Sessions has no regard for civil and human rights. The decision to target police reforms that have been negotiated with police departments with a documented history of civil rights violations is reprehensible. Let me be clear, this … Continue Reading

March 28, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee: Trump Executive Order Takes Wrecking Ball to U.S. Climate Action

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement after President Trump signed Executive Orders rolling back crucial elements of U.S. climate strategy. "Today, President Trump took a wrecking ball to U.S. action on climate change. The scientific community has been clear: Climate change is real, it is caused by human activity, and without immediate action its effects will devastate our communities and our planet. "The executive order issued by the president will … Continue Reading

March 28, 2017

Rep. Barbara Lee Urges President Trump to Abandon Cuts to HIV/AIDS Programs, Warns of “Unthinkable Consequences”

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Lee released the following statement regarding proposed cuts to PEPFAR and other lifesaving HIV/AIDS programs: "The passage of PEPFAR was one of the greatest moments of bipartisan cooperation in the history of our government. Understanding the life-and-death stakes of our fight against HIV, members of both parties have put aside our ideological differences to address this global pandemic over the last thirteen years. "President Trump's proposed reductions to … Continue Reading

March 27, 2017

HIV Caucus Co-Chairs Reintroduce Bipartisan Bill to Eliminate Discriminatory HIV/AIDS Laws

Washington, D.C. - Today, HIV Caucus Co-Chairs U.S. Representatives Barbara Lee and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen reintroduced the REPEAL HIV Discrimination Act 2017, which would modernize laws and policies to eliminate discrimination against those living with HIV/AIDS. This bill expresses the sense of Congress that federal and state laws, policies, and regulations should not place a unique or additional burden on individuals solely as a result of their HIV status, and offers a step-by-step plan to work … Continue Reading

March 27, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Statement on Raiders Move to Las Vegas

Washington, D.C. - At the conclusion of the NFL owners' vote to move the Raiders to Las Vegas, Congresswoman Barbara Lee issued the following statement: "I am deeply troubled by the outcome of today's vote. Oakland is more than capable of sustaining an NFL team. From the sale of season tickets to Oakland's commitment to renovate the Coliseum, the Raiders have enjoyed overwhelming support from the East Bay community. The City of Oakland and Alameda County once again displayed that commitment … Continue Reading

March 24, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee: The Power of The People Won This Battle

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement after President Trump and House Republicans failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act: "House Republicans' failure to pass their cold-hearted, destructive repeal of the Affordable Care Act is a resounding victory for the resistance and the American people. Republicans should take a hard look at the unified opposition of the American people and abandon their campaign to strip healthcare from seniors, veterans, people … Continue Reading

March 24, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee: We Must Resist Keystone XL Pipeline

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement today in response to the State Department's issuance of a permit for construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. "At every turn, President Trump has shown that he will place the profits of billionaires and Big Oil above the well-being of American families. The Keystone Pipeline is yet another corporate giveaway that will wreak havoc on our environment and damage the health of countless individuals. "I stand with the … Continue Reading

March 24, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Statement on Confirmation of Ambassador David Friedman

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement on the confirmation of David Friedman to serve as U.S. Ambassador to Israel: "I am extremely disappointed by the Senate's vote to confirm David Friedman to serve as U.S. Ambassador to Israel. Friedman's lack of diplomatic experience, coupled with his extreme views including his opposition to a two-state solution, should have disqualified him from serving as our Ambassador to Israel. His confirmation sends a worrying … Continue Reading

March 21, 2017

Congresswoman Barbara Lee: We Must Stop Endless War

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Lee led a bipartisan coalition of House members in demanding the Trump Administration halt escalating military engagement in Syria. The coalition included: Congressman Walter Jones, Congressman Peter DeFazio, Congressman Keith Ellison, Congressman Ted Lieu, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congressman Peter Welch, Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman and Congressman Rick Nolan. The Members were also joined by Afghanistan War Veteran Richard Allen Smith. … Continue Reading

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