Press Releases

June 20, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Fights to Stop Endless War

For Immediate Release: June 20th, 2014 Contact: James Lewis, (202) 225-1882 Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) issues statement following final passage of the 2015 Department of Defense Appropriations bill (H.R. 4870). All four of Congresswoman Lee’s amendments were voted down. H.R. 4870 has passed with a final vote count of 340 no yes votes and 73 no votes. Congresswoman Lee against the final bill. “Despite support from the American people to end … Continue Reading

June 19, 2014

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduces Amendments to Prevent War in Iraq

For Immediate Release: June 19th, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly, (510) 763-0370   Washington, D.C. –Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee introduced four amendments to the 2015 Department of Defense appropriations bill to prevent a war in Iraq, prevent future funding for combat operations in Afghanistan and to prevent funding for the Authorization of Use of Military Force (AUMF). “We must not let history repeat itself in Iraq.    Because the reality is there … Continue Reading

June 18, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Commends Passage of her Amendment to Increase Funding for Multiple Sclerosis Research by $5 Million

For Immediate Release: June 18th, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly, (510) 763-0370 Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Lee applauded the passage of her amendment to increase funding for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research by $5 million. The amendment, which was included in the FY2015 Defense Appropriations, would provide for additional MS research, development, testing and evaluation under the Defense Health Program. “This increase in funding is a critical lifeline to the more … Continue Reading

June 18, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Stands Up for the Voting Right Amendment Act

For Immediate Release: June 18th, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly, (510) 763-0370 Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee joined members of the Tri-Caucus and civil rights leaders in calling for Republican House leadership to bring the Voting Rights Amendment Act (VRAA) up for a vote. As the one year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down voter protections in Shelby County v. Holder approaches, Congresswoman Lee joined her colleagues to reaffirm her … Continue Reading

June 13, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Responds to President Obama's Remarks on Iraq

For Immediate Release: Friday, June 13, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly, (510)-763-0370 Washington, DC - Today, Following President Obama's remarks concerning the crisis in Iraq, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) issued the following statement: "After more than a decade of war, thousands of American lives and billions of dollars, the American people are looking to Congress to promote security and diplomacy," said Congresswoman Lee. "The ongoing crisis in Iraq is the tragic product of … Continue Reading

June 10, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Lauds Passage of Amendment to Ban Funding for Discriminatory Hair Regulations in the U.S. Army

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly, (510)-763-0370 Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Lee applauded the passage of her amendment to block funding for discriminatory Army regulations which ban many natural hairstyles worn by women of color. The updated guidelines, released in March, included twists, large cornrows, and dreadlocks on its list of unauthorized hairstyles. “I am pleased that my amendment to stop the implementation of the … Continue Reading

June 10, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Celebrates Passage of Her Amendment to Increase Funds to Prevent Housing Discrimination

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly, (510)-763-0370 Washington, D.C. -Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee celebrated the passage of her amendment to the Transportation Housing and Urban Development (T-HUD) Appropriations bill to increase funding to the Fair Housing Initiative Program (FHIP), which helps prevent housing discrimination. The amendment was co-sponsored by Congressman Al Green (D-TX). “I am pleased that we were able to increase … Continue Reading

June 10, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Issues a Statement Regarding the Passing of Albany Mayor Peggy Thomsen

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly, (510)-763-0370 Washington, D.C.—Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee issued the following statement regarding the passing of Albany Mayor Peggy Thomsen: “I am deeply saddened by the passing of Albany Mayor Peggy Thomsen, and my thoughts and prayers go out to her friends, family and the entire Albany community. “Mayor Thomsen was a consummate public servant whose commitment to local government and service to … Continue Reading

June 04, 2014

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Marks Caribbean American Heritage Month

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, June 4th, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly (510) 763-0370 Washington, D.C. — Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) offered the following statement on her resolution marking June as National Caribbean American Heritage Month: “It’s an honor to celebrate June as Caribbean American Heritage Month and the unique relationship between the United States and the Caribbean region. Our history and culture have been enriched by our Caribbean neighbors and this … Continue Reading

June 03, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Applauds EPA’s Decision to Begin Cutting Carbon Pollution from Power Plants

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly, (510) 763-0370 Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement on the Environmental Protection Agency’s new carbon pollution standards for existing power plants: “The Obama Administration’s decision to begin cutting carbon emissions from power plants is an important step on the road to reversing the dangerous effects of global climate change. Rising temperatures, unprecedented … Continue Reading

June 02, 2014

Barbara Lee Releases LGBT Pride Month Statement

NEWS ADVISORY: June 2, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly (510) 763-0370 Washington, DC- Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement in recognition of LGBT Pride Month, which is celebrated throughout the month of June: “Every June, LGBT Pride Month provides us with an opportunity to celebrate the hard work and courage of LGBT individuals in the march towards full equality, while acknowledging the continued struggles against discrimination still faced by far … Continue Reading

June 01, 2014

Barbara Lee Hails Passage of Medical Marijuana Amendment

For Immediate Release: June 2, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly (510) 763-0370 Oakland, CA - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) joined Salwa Ibrahim, CEO/Executive Director of Blum Oakland and Amanda Reiman, California Policy Manager for the Drug Policy Alliance, for a tour and press conference to highlight the passage of the Commerce-Science-Justice Appropriations Bill that included an amendment she co-sponsored to advance medical marijuana protections. This event took place at … Continue Reading

May 30, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Applauds Passage of Second Chance and Medical Marijuana Protection Measures

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 30, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly (510) 763-0370 Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee celebrated the passage of her amendment to increase funding for Second Chance Act programs in the Commerce-Science-Justice Appropriations bill. She also hailed the passage of an amendment she co-sponsored with Congressman Dana Rohrabacher that prohibits the use of funds by the Department of Justice to prevent states from implementing their own state laws that … Continue Reading

May 29, 2014

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Announces $5 Million in Federal HIV Treatment Funding

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 29, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly (510) 763-0370 Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13) announced the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency (ACHCSA) was awarded a $4,905,956 federal HIV Emergency Relief Project Grant to increase access to quality and effective community-based care for low-income families and individuals living with HIV. The HIV Emergency Relief Project program is administered by the Health Resources and Services … Continue Reading

May 28, 2014

Barbara Lee Issues Statement on the Passing of Dr. Maya Angelou

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 28, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly (510) 763-0370 Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) issued the following statement on the passing of Maya Angelou: “I am deeply saddened by the passing of a great phenomenal warrior-woman, Dr. Maya Angelou. I offer my condolences to Dr. Angelou’s friends and family, including her son Guy Johnson who is both a friend and constituent, as they celebrate and mourn her spirit-filled life. Her vast … Continue Reading

May 28, 2014

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Responds to President Obama’s West Point Speech

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 28, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly (510) 763-0370 Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) issued the following statement regarding President Obama’s vision for the nation’s foreign policy as presented during his commencement address at West Point Academy: “President Obama gave an important and very well articulated vision of his foreign policy today. I was pleased to hear how well his vision is grounded in the hard lessons learned in the … Continue Reading

May 27, 2014

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Responds to President's Afghanistan Announcement, Renews Call to End the War Now

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 27, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly (510) 763-0370 Washington, DC - Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement in response to President Obama’s announcement of plan to keep U.S. troops in Afghanistan until 2016: “I respectfully disagree with plans announced today to leave nearly 10,000 troops and an unknown number of contractors in Afghanistan beyond 2014 and to extend U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan until 2016. “After thirteen years at … Continue Reading

May 26, 2014

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Issues Memorial Day Statement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 26, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly (510) 763-0370 Oakland, CA - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) issued the following statement in observance of Memorial Day: “As we celebrate Memorial Day, the memories of the men and women who so bravely gave their lives for our country are in our hearts and our minds. “Let us honor the sacrifice of those who have died by ensuring their families and fellow soldiers left behind receive the very best our Nation … Continue Reading

May 23, 2014

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Applauds the United Nations for adding Boko Haram to the Terrorist List

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 23, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly (510) 763-0370 Oakland, CA - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) issued the following statement applauding the United Nations for adding Boko Haram to the United Nations Security Council’s Al -Qaida Sanctions List: “I applaud the United Nations Security Council for adding Boko Haram to the United Nations Security Council’s Terrorist List. Boko Haram’s kidnapping and threat to sell over 250 Nigerian girls into slavery … Continue Reading

May 22, 2014

Congresswoman Lee Slams Irresponsible Defense Authorization Bill, Refusal to Consider Bipartisan AUMF Repeal Amendment

For Immediate Release: Thursday, May 22, 2014 Contact: Katherine Jolly, (510)-763-0370 Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee offered the following statement following the passage of HR 4435, the FY2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Congresswoman Lee was one of 98 members to oppose the NDAA: “The Republican leadership has continued to ignore the will of the American people in this year’s National Defense Authorization Act, which bankrolls bloated Pentagon … Continue Reading

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